It has been a bit of a long time coming, but finally it is time to wrap up our series of reviews of the Cotton & Cable Craft Liquids ranges and we are going out with a bang with four great flavours, two of which are strong contenders for my personal top of the pops list. Hopefully that little teaser has got you intrigued, but if you haven’t already checked out the previous reviews of the Desserts pt1, the Fruits, and the Cocktails ranges, you might want to give them a quick read too. There are some real gems on their site, so it is well worth a look. The fact that I am still grabbing a bottle from the previous selections when I need a break from my reviewing should show that Cotton & Cable are great juice makers!
As this is the second part of the Desserts range, I won’t repeat the introduction, the bottles, art, presentation etc are exactly the same and I don’t want to bore you. Needless to say, these last four are just as stylish as all the others. One little detail that I had missed until just now which I really like is the subtle differences in the stripes in the labels. The Upside Down cake has more yellow and light colours compared to the Liquorice Allsorts which has darker tones which reflect the different sweets you get with Bertie’s finest selection. In the grand scheme of things, this is such a tiny detail, but I am always impressed when a company puts that much thought into every aspect of their products and design. They say the devil is in the detail, but I’d call it a heavenly touch!
I think that is enough of a preamble so let’s get to the business end of this final review!
Fruit Fool
“An impossibly complex fusion of juicy apples and succulent pears, balanced with ripe bananas and fresh oranges, infused with a medley of summer fruits and folded in rich, thick cream.”
If you like smooth and creamy flavours with an interesting twist, Fruit Fool a great juice to check out. From the description, I wasn’t sure if it would be a cacophony of flavours all fighting for attention, but nothing could be further than the truth as this has been expertly blended to be a very well-rounded blend. It is surprisingly balanced. I always get a bit twitchy when I see banana on a list as it is a flavour that can overtake everything else but nope, every fruit sits comfortably together, all bringing their own identity but pulling together to become one. Add in the cream, and you have a really nice and surprisingly light juice that is very easy to vape.
Hot Cross Bun
“A deliciously moist, spiced bun filled with citrus soaked currants baked with a sweet sugar glaze.”
I’m a bit of traditionalist when it comes to my food, I like a roast on Sunday, I only eat turkey at Christmas, and once Easter is over, that’s when I stop with the hot cross buns. I like my food, probably too much for my waistline, but I prefer to keep my seasonal treats limited so I can look forward to the next time they come round. My other rule is to buy quality, if I am going to eat certain things for a short amount of time, I want to eat the best I can. So when it comes to hot crossed buns, I am not happy with just grabbing a pack of sticky bread rolls with some fruit thrown in that the supermarkets seem to think pass as the real thing, no, I go to our local baker who knows how to do it right. So I was really impressed when I filled my tank up with this Hot Crossed Bun liquid as they have managed to bottle all the bits I love. It is one of the most accurate juices I have had, the fruits feel fat and juicy, the glaze is sweet and delicate, the dough it spiced to perfection and has a beautifully toasted feel, all that is missing is the boatload of butter I have dripping down my chin. Best of all, I can vape as much as I like without piling on the pounds which makes this a winner!
Upside Down Cake
“The exceptionally juicy and vibrant tropical taste of pineapple soaked through a moist and fluffy cake base.”
After the heady heights of the Hot Crossed Bun juice, this one didn’t quite hit the same levels. It is still a great representation of the classic pudding, but I thought it would be stronger. But maybe that is why this works. There is some clever layering going on with it too. Initially the flavour of the light yellow sponge comes through, and it is a nice cakey taste, but then the pineapple comes along more on the exhale. It is a smooth and slightly syrupy pineapple too which fits the profile well as a sharper flavour would be too harsh. I reckon you could also make a great Frankenstein blend too by mixing Upside Down Cake with the Cotton & Cable Custard Tart but that could just be because I love a bit of custard with my puddings.
Liquorice Allsorts
“Simply irresistible. A wonderful blend of fruit, coconut and liquorice. The perfect recreation of the yellow coconut wheel we all know and love.”
I have no self-control when it comes to opening a bag of liccy allsorts, so I don’t have them too often. But as with all variety packs, I have my favourites and there are ones that I am not so keen on. I don’t like the liquorice logs, and I’ve never been a fan of the chocolate sandwich; they are two flavours which should never be put together in my opinion. The holy trinity of the liquorice allsorts are, in my opinion, the classic Bertie, the blue spogs (you know the aniseed jelly ones covered in crunchy nobbles), and the round ones with liquorice in the middle and coconut around the outside. This e-liquid is very specifically the last one on my god tier list, and it is just about perfect. As soon as you vape it, you know exactly which sweet it is, the earthy liquorice is perfectly wrapped in the sweet, crumbly coconut ice. Once again, the balance is spot on. Now I do know that liquorice e-liquids can split opinion so this one isn’t going to be for everyone, but if you love the sweets, I can guarantee you will really enjoy this Liquorice Allsorts juice.
Final Thoughts
So that’s it, I’ve reached the end and I feel kind of sad as I have really enjoyed checking out the flavours from Cotton & Cable Craft Liquids. Whilst they are generally a very solid selection of juice, there have been a lot of real treats here and I will definitely be keeping a close eye on what fabulous creations they have up their sleeves for future releases.
If you fancy these, or any of the other great e-liquids from Cotton & Cable Craft Liquids, you can pick them up direct. They are £14.99 for a 50ml shortfill, and this includes a nic shot so you are good to go.

Michelle (Purplefowler)
Reviewer at POTVWhen her usual forum closed, Michelle found herself in a brave new world full of excitement that something fresh and new was happening. A few days later she somehow found herself on the moderating team and is still not really sure how that happened. Even stranger, she slowly worked her way up to admin and now helps behind the scenes, liasing with vendors and coordinating social media but she can still be found making smutty comments on the forum. If all that wasn't enough, she also is a proud member of the Potv review team specialising in E-liquid reviews for the discerning vaper.
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