About POTV

Planet of the Vapes is one of the largest vaping communities in the UK. The forum was launched in July 2012 and saw immediate interest from vapers looking for a friendly, helpful community where ideas and knowledge could be shared.  Whilst keyed toward the UK market we have a number of members from around the world that regularly submit content and get involved.  The site has grown quickly to be one of the largest UK vaping forums.

We are very proud that the site is known as the friendliest vaping community and we know that every new vaper looking for help in getting started and seasoned hands will find help and guidance where they are struggling with new kit.

Vaping is amazing!  The market is growing at such a fast pace that we chose to extend the site in 2014 to introduce news, guides and reviews and continues to go from strength to strength as more smokers discover the benefits of consigning cigarettes into the ashtray of history. 

Planet of the Vapes is a privately owned Limited company.  We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

Limited Company Number: 8307920
Information Commissioner's Office Registration Reference: ZA074375
