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UK Resists Influence Best

A new global index that tracks the influence over public health policy by the tobacco industry finds that the U.K. is best at not succumbing

VICE Probes British Anomaly

VICE reporter Alex Norcia looked at why the UK hasn’t collapsed into hysteria over the American lung outbreaks

SOVAPE Finds The French Are Misinformed

Research commissioned by SOVAPE reveals that 45% of French adults think that vaping is as dangerous as smoking and 80% believe that nicotine is carcinogenic

UKVIA Combats Vaping Fiction

UK Vaping Industry Association launches unprecedented media campaign to combat harmful scare-stories


Following months where Parliament has been too busy to think about tobacco harm reduction they are back to talking about vaping, HNB and related matters

New Man for FDA

Ned Sharpless is set to end his very brief period leading the Food and Drug Administration as President Trump ignores recommendations to offer him the role on a fulltime basis

Vape Ad Ban Threats

The Scottish National Party has threatened to ban vape ads in Scotland while the Advertising Standards Authority reports an increase in complaints across the UK

Glantz Debunked Yet Again

The American Journal of Preventative Medicine publishes another letter debunking the error-strewn work by Stanton Glantz falsely claiming vaping causes heart attacks

Vape Superstore Partners Smokefree Hackney

Vape Superstore partners with Smokefree Hackney to support those most at risk of falling into poverty due to their smoking habit

Netherlands Ban Call

Advocacy groups make a plea for government-level dialogue as the chairman of the Association of Physicians for Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis is pushing for a vape ban in the Netherlands