Latest News

Health & Studies

NHS Reveals Vape Data

The recently released NHS Health Survey for England covers data obtained in 2022 and describes vape habits (as well as cigarette smoking, physical activity, and fruit and vegetable consumption)

Health & Studies

Adult Smoking and Vaping Trends

A new paper led by Harry Tattan Birch looks at what has happened to trends in adult smoking and vaping prevalence in England since disposables became popular

Vaping News

Action on Smoking and Health’s Speech Take

ASH pass comment on the King’s Speech announcement including the Tobacco and Vapes Bill

Vaping News

UKVIA Responds to the Kings Speech

UKVIA has responded to the King’s Speech announcement about the Tobacco and Vapes Bill

Vaping News

King’s Speech Confirms Vape Flavour Restrictions

The temptation is to make this article all about Colin Firth so we can forget all about the new government planning on resurrecting the Conservative’s deeply flawed Tobacco and Vapes Bill

Vaping News

Hold WHO And FCTC Accountable

Governments must hold the World Health Organization and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control accountable, says the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates

Vaping News

ASH Justifies Vape Tax

Hazel Cheeseman, Deputy Chief Executive at Action on Smoking and Health, has used the UCL study to justify a tiered tax being levied on eliquids in the United Kingdom

Politics & Campaigns

Labour’s First King’s Speech

The first King’s Speech since the General Election takes place tomorrow, Wednesday 17 July where King Charles will deliver Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s plans in his speech at the State Opening of Parliament

Politics & Campaigns

NNA Writes to Labour Health Secretary

The New Nicotine Alliance has written a letter to Wes Streeting on the new government’s approach to smoking and vaping

Health & Studies

Secondhand Vape Risk “Is Negligible”

New research shows that switching from smoking to vaping indoors substantially reduces children’s exposure to nicotine, resulting in a “negligible” according to Professor Peter Hajek