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Vaping News

Scottish Government Confirms Ban

Catching up with recent news, the Scottish government has confirmed the details of the disposable vape ban due to be implemented in 2025

Vaping News

WHO - Designed To Kill

The World Health Organization has been at it again – this time the ‘public health’ organisation has said that vapes are “designed to kill”

Health & Studies

The Impact of the New Jersey Flavour Ban

In the final article of the week looking at topical studies considering the impact of flavour bans, Planet of the Vapes considers the impact of the New Jersey flavour ban

Vaping News

Riot Sends Boris To Westminster

A life-sized Boris Johnson has been delivered to Westminster “to keep vaping legislation at the top of in-tray for new government”, says Riot Labs

Vaping News

1400 Voices Demand Flavour Ban

The anti-smoking charity Action on Smoking and Health has sent a letter to Number 10 Downing Street and Wes Streeting calling for the Tobacco and Vapes Bill to be reintroduced in its entirety

Health & Studies

Flavour Removal and Smoking Relapse

Planet of the Vapes looks at the second research paper this week that considers how removing flavours from eliquids impacts smoking cessation and smoking relapse in ex-smokers

Health & Studies

Vapes Help To Drive Down Pregnancy Smoking

Smoking rates among pregnant women have hit an all-time low, aided by women choosing to switch to vaping, according to anti-smoking charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)

Health & Studies

The Effect of Vape Flavour Bans

With a new government in place, the recent publication of three research papers looking at vape flavours couldn’t be timelier – here Planet of the Vapes looks at the first

Vaping News

New Government for Vaping

Following the general election, the Labour Party has formed the new government and Prime Minister Keir Starmer has appointed ministers who will influence vape policy

Vaping News

New Secretary of State for Health

Wes Streeting has been appointed as the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, as part of the new Labour Government