Latest News
Letter Calls For Cash
Over 200 leading health professionals call on Chancellor to invest in creating a smokefree UK in an open letter published in the British Medical Journal
Spain Banning Flavours and Disposables
The Spanish attack on vaping by banning juice flavours and disposable ecigs will be a massive blow to public health, according to the World Vapers' Alliance
Tobacco and Vapes Bill Latest
Wes Streeting has spoken to Parliament about the Tobacco and Vapes Bill and expressed his intention to attack vaping with stricter regulations
Tax Hike Plan Is A Misstep
The UK’s eliquid vape tax hike plan is a misstep in the fight against smoking, according to the leading international health experts at Smoke Free Sweden
NHS Data Released
NHS data has been released, detailing the smoking, drinking, and drug use among young people in England – Action on Smoking and Health use it to demand Government action
Illicit Market Action Required
Action is needed to combat the “huge” illicit vape market, researchers at Tamarind Intelligence say, but warn that heavy regulation may just make the problem worse
Urgent Need for Harm Reduction Policies
There is an urgent need for tobacco harm reduction policies across the Asia-Pacific region, according to speakers at The Malaysian Society for Harm Reduction
Woohoo. Hold on to your seats, it’s time for more ripping conversations that have taken place over at the Palace of Westminster – all about us, without us
New Zealand Is Smokefree
New Zealand has achieved its smoke-free goal well ahead of schedule with vaping driving the smoking rates to “unprecedented lows” according to local advocacy organisations
Vape Flavours Research Results
As the UK government considers restricting vape flavours in response to puritanical evidence-free demands, a large retailer has produced interesting findings from its latest piece of research