Latest News
The UK PHE Fallout
Vaping is 95% safer, how did the UK digest the news?
British Standards
To what extent will BS effect how we are vaping in 2016?
Vaping Is Haram
Fatwa Knocking The Kuala Lumpurs Out of Vaping
Not Wanted
Hide the children, the vapers are coming.
Team America
The advantages of electronic cigarettes are obvious to everyone but the blinkered in the USA.
Guardian of the Vape Galaxy
The Guardian continues its swath of vape articles with two more in the space of seven days
A Load Of CRUK
How is the non-vaper meant to negotiate the plentiful online opinions about ecigs?
Mr and Mrs Ninety-Five Percent
If Carlsberg did reports for Public Health England about electronic cigarettes...
The Only Malay is Ecigz
Common sense prevails in a region otherwise bent on adopting outright vaping bans.
NRT: No (other) Replacement Tolerated
NRT product demand continues to decline making Big Pharma fight dirty.