E-Liquid Reviews

PULP Juices

PULP juice is the creation of French based e-liquid company Sunny Smoker. VapeMaster met the CEO of PULP, Gilles Toledano at the Harrogate Expo to find out about the company and sample some of their range.

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Introduction to PULP Eliquids

We could have chosen a trendy brand name like Liquidz, or Love-vapes, or even e-Delight.

We chose PULP. Why PULP? It's a reference to Tarentino's movies. It's all about taste- fruits, veggies, wooden spoons, old school juices..It's a cook's kitchen.

PULP is not ordinary e-juice. PULP is both real gourmet pleasure and insane mouth madness.

PULP juice is the creation of French based e-liquid company Sunny Smoker. I met the CEO of PULP, Gilles Toledano at the Harrogate Expo.

I found him to be a very friendly and approachable person with a good sense of humour. The first thing he said to me when we met was "Hello I am Gilles and yes I am French but its ok because we know you all hate us", which totally cracked me up with laughter.

While chatting to him he came across as extremely passionate about his juice range with a real desire to get his products noticed. Since he is also the person responsible for the mixes in this juice he spent much of the time offering new flavours that he was working on for us all to try including some most bizarre ones, a bread dough and also a sweet potato.

Some of these juices of course will never come to the market but they were interesting experiments and even if I didn't actually like these particularly strange flavours I was very impressed with Gilles's mixing talent. He was quite happy to vape his sweet potato for most of the day even though everyone else was quite put off by it. I told him he was weird for enjoying it and he just laughed and said "Sure, it is not for everyone but I like it".

Like most juice vendors he had started from humble origins simply creating juice for himself and friends before becoming a business. In fact in France Sunny Smoker are quite widespread and very successful.

PULP was born amidst the dry scrub land of the Garrigue region of Provence. From a state of the art lab their juice is produced to strict safety standards:

At PULP, we love to have fun, but safety is no joke to us. Every ingredient we use is pharmaceutically compliant with French health regulations and is verified on a regular basis.

The sole components of our products are: propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, dosed nicotine and aromas.

PULP e-juice uses sugar free flavours. There is no candying and no processing that would alter or lessen the taste. All of this range is mixed to a ratio of 70/30 PG/VG and available in four nicotine strengths, 18mg, 12mg, 6mg, as well as a zero nicotine option.

The juice bottles and hard plastic with clear labels and all relevant warning information is clearly marked. The bottles feature child proof caps and they are 20ml capacity:

Guess what? It takes about the same amount of plastic to produce 20ml bottles as it does to produce the 10ml bottles. The cap, the dropper and the label stay the same.

The bigger size is better for everyone, starting with you. Our products are great so there's no reason to sell tiny amounts of them.

The Juices

Given that the PULP range is rather large we simply could not cover every flavour on offer but the ones reviewed here should give you a good indication as to the quality.

PULP Gourmet Range

Hazelnut in the shell

This one is a really nice hazelnut vape. The nut is very natural and tasty but it is a little too straightforward to completely hook me. It is enjoyable but it would never be a all day vape for me.

This of course highly subjective and I'm sure someone who loves hazelnut would go nuts about it (deliberate joke). Vapour production is good and throat hit is mild to medium.

PULP Fruit Range

Peach Skin

This is a truly excellent peach flavour and is going to appeal to a lot of fruit vapers. The peach is far better than many other juices I have tried. It really is a delicious flavour and I could happily vape this one all day long. In fact so far I am a good way through the 20ml bottle.

I find this one to be both fantastic on a dripper and still very good in a tank. Vapour production is good and this juice has a mild throat hit.

Exquisite Blackcurrant

This is a very smooth blackcurrant. Certainly this is nothing like a Ribena type blackcurrant but more like the natural taste of the fruit. It is not especially sweet either.

I think its pleasurable enough to vape but for me I'd prefer a stronger blackcurrant taste which is subjective of course. Vapour production is good and the juice has a mild throat hit.

Lemon Fizz

I love this one it really is amazing. A fantastic lemon with a good hint of sherbet type fizz. It has a very natural lemon taste but at the same time also that sweetie quality to it.

I don't find it the least bit sickly and I could vape this one all day long. One of the best I have tried in this range. Vapour production is good and the juice has a mild throat hit.

Frozen Blueberry

A highly unusual juice. This is blueberry mixed with a sugary menthol. It is not ultra cold like a lot of menthol vapes. I personally don't like blueberry that much but this one was enjoyable enough even if it is not my fruit of choice.

At the end of the day when it comes to juice it's all very subjective and even though this is not totally to my tastes, I appreciate the mix itself because it is very different to a lot of other juices out there. Vapour production is good and the throat hit is mild to medium.

Wild Strawberry

This juice is exactly as described in that it is a wild strawberry taste. It certainly isn't a very sweet strawberry but it is sweet enough to be enjoyable. I find the taste to be very pleasant.

It reminds me a little of Angel Delight dessert strawberry which I happen to really like but it's not a powdery taste at all. Another good light vape with good vapour production and a mild throat hit.

Liquorice  Apple

I am not a fan of apple vapes because a lot of them taste artificial, this one does not. In fact it tastes great. It is very different to most typical apple vapes and reminds me of a cross between cider and that appletiser drink.

There is a slight crispness there that really enhances it. It's not at all like biting into a Granny Smith or anything but it is extremely nice. This one certainly changes in flavour as you up the wattage and it becomes more mellow at 60+ watts. Vapour production is good and the throat hit is mild to medium.

Green Banana

For the record I tend to dislike a lot of banana vapes because many tend to taste like those banana foam sweets which I find sickly. This one on the other hand is rather nice and far more natural.

It does start to go a little foam sweet at higher wattage but up to 45 watts it is pretty spot on. For a natural enough banana e-juice this is certainly worth considering. Vapour production is good and the throat hit is mild to medium.

Red Berry Liquorice

This one to me is a little like Red Astaire without the menthol and the aniseed. Its like Red Astaire's base flavour of red berries. I know some people don't like the menthol and aniseed in RA so it may be of interest to them.

It is a very smooth vape but for me I would like a more potent flavour which is of course subjective. Vapour production is good and the throat hit is mild.

Pink Grapefruit Verbena

This is a unusual but pleasant flavour. For me it has hints of almost being a Turkish Delight kind of vape but then I don't tend to eat pink grapefruit so the taste is unknown to me.

The grapefruit is noticeable though and I found it a natural taste. It is a rather nice blend and I could happily use this as a all day vape. It is very light and the flavour isn't overly strong. Vapour production is good and the throat hit is mild.


Arctic Mint

So you think you've tried some really cold menthols? Think again. This juice is one of the strongest menthol vapes I have tried in a long time. In fact it was so strong it numbed my throat and made me cough. Now I know that sounds troubling but I assure you this stuff is really good and you quickly get used to it. However if you don't like really strong menthols then stay well clear because this is rather potent.

The mint is actually spearmint I think and quite delicious but the initial vape can be quite a shock if you are not prepared. For anyone that enjoys strong menthols this is highly recommended. At the very least it would be a excellent cure for vaper's tongue. Vapour production is good and the throat hit is like the freezing Arctic. This is seriously strong like putting a entire packet of extra strong mints in your mouth at the same time.

Mint Candy

I find this juice to be somewhere between a boiled lozenger and a fruit pastille. A really lovely vape and the mint that is in there works very well. It's a very mild mint so those who don't like strong menthol will be fine with this one.

The fruity quality to this juice is what I really like about it. In fact it reminds me of Foxes Glacier Fruits if you've ever eaten those. I could easily vape this one all day. Vapour production is good with a mild throat hit.

Mint on the rocks

This juice is very similar to Polar Mint but is not as strong. Instead of spearmint this one is peppermint. It is still a strong menthol but it is easily vaped unlike the Polar Mint which was a little like immersing yourself in icy water.

This is a very clean and pleasant vape with a excellent throat hit and for anyone who likes a good menthol vape then this one is well worth picking up. It is a very cold vape so be aware of that. Vapour production is good and the throat hit is strong.

PULP Tobacco

Tennessee Tobacco

This juice is interesting. It is a very smooth tobacco with a slightly bitter sweet after taste at the end of the exhale. The flavour has a dry quality so gives that illusion of smoking a hand rolled cigarette. I am sure there is a nut in his juice but as to what nut is in there I really couldn't tell you.

I think this would make a good all day vape, especially for someone who has just quit the fags. Vapour production is good and like the Bourbon Tobacco the throat hit is mild to medium.

Alabama Tobacco

A most unusual tobacco vape. It has a smooth and sweet tobacco taste but it is much stronger than the other two tobacco juices I have tried in this range. I can't put my finger on where the sweetness is coming from, its almost like whiskey, maybe it is.

It is overall very pleasant and makes for quite a unique vape. Vapour production is good and the throat hit is medium to strong.

PULP Lush Tobacco

Bourbon Blend

Out of all the tobacco vapes I have tried this certainly stands as one of my favourites. The blending is excellent with a good flavoursome tobacco enhanced with a lovely bourbon. Very smooth and delicious.

This would most definitely be a all day vape for me. The vapour production is good and the throat hit is mild to medium.

Final Thoughts

The PULP juices have been a really good range to try out with some true highlights. I feel that they offer a interesting alternative to a lot of British and American based juice that is currently available.

I think it is well worth your time in giving some of these flavours a try and I personally find the tobacco based ones to be really quite exceptional. What is even more exciting is that this is only some of the liquid that is available. The full range itself is quite extensive and covers a lot of flavours as well as some most unusual combinations such as Cucumber and Anise.

Finally I want to thank Rich from Smoke Purer for submitting these juices for Planet of the Vapes to review. I also want to thank Gilles from Sunny Smoker France who contributed quite a few extra flavours for me to sample and write about in this review and it was a pleasure to meet you both and chat about the range at the Harrogate Expo.

The PULP range of juice is available to buy in the UK from Smoke Purer:

Prices are very reasonable with a 20ml bottle costing around £9.00 but Smoke Purer also offer several bundle deals for multiple bottles so check them out. Remember there is also a 10% discount code for forum members so enter “POTV” at the checkout, and delivery is free on all UK orders.

Dave Junglist avatar

Dave Junglist

Reviewer at POTV
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Dave Junglist is co-owner of Planet of the Vapes and has been vaping since 2015.  He spent his early years with his head in a bass bin and was a very committed and experienced smoker.  He had his first cigarette at the age of 13 and just knew it was for him.  He did stop briefly with the aid of patches but reverted quickly and became a ‘secret’ smoker, working hard to keep his weak will from the attention of his family.  Vaping made an honest man of him and for this he is forever thankful. He has been involved in websites since completing a degree in Environmental Science in the late nineties.  At that time there was pretty much no contact with computers but on joining the regular workforce and deciding that the world-wide-web was the future he blagged his first job as a web designer and never looked back. As you would expect from a junglist, Dave likes his beats and is most comfortable when the bass is wobbly.

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