E-Liquid Reviews

Dispergo Udderly Amazing Milkshake Shortfill Range

Dispergo could teach Kelis a thing or two about dairy based beverages with their fantastic Udderly Amazing Milkshake Shortfills range. We got to try them out

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Udderly Amazing Milkshake shortfills by Dispergo Vaping

A wise woman and poet once said “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they’re like it’s better than yours”. Well sadly I’m too old and past it to have that effect any more but the same can’t be said for the mix masters at Dispergo who have brought out the rather wonderful Udderly Amazing Milkshake range

Now at this point I need to make an apology. I have made a massive rookie reviewer error here and I really should have known better. You see I always have a sniff of any juices that come my way before I add my nic shots, it just gets me nicely in the mood for what’s to come. But these all smelled fantastic so I had a sneaky tank before I took my photos. And then I had another sneaky tank full….and another…..and another…..and, well you can see how much I got through before I’d officially even started the review process! I honestly tried to stop but I couldn’t and before I knew it, the bottles all had big gaps in them! As I said, I really should have known better, I am weak willed, especially when things taste this good so I guess you could almost say it is a spoiler for the actual review. But guilt then stopped my getting on with the job too so they all ended up very well steeped, but this in turn has actually been quite useful. I always find Dispergo juices are nicely steeped, but these ones just got better and better so I would highly recommend putting these aside for a few weeks extra as they really did get considerably more tasty over time. That said, they still taste great straight from the package so it really depends on how much self control you have.

As is standard from Dispergo, these are all 70VG/30PG and come in pleasantly squeaky bottles with all the info you should expect from any quality juices on the UK market. I did find they were all a little tough on my wicks so be prepared to change things out quite regularly, not an issue but something to bear in mind. 

Banana Milkshake

Banana Milkshake - Yellow Top by The Udderly Amazing combines a fresh authentic tasting creamy Banana with velvety smooth creamy Milkshake base.”

This tastes exactly like banana milkshake! Now I know that shouldn’t really be a surprise as it clearly says what it is on the label, but I have tried a lot of milkshake juices and I have never come across one that actually tastes like it should. I’ve had banana vanilla type milkshake juices, I’ve had banana custard type milkshake juices, Ive had foam banana sweets type milkshake flavours, but this is the first one that tastes milky! This is a theme that I will be repeating throughout the range but it really had blown me away. The milkshake base that all the flavours uses in a revelation. I have previously had the Udderly Amazing Banana Ice cream before (which I hasten to add I bought with my own money and not for review), so I already know how good the realistic banana is, but the base is a whole new level. This is fantastic stuff and comes highly recommended.

Udderly Amazing Milkshake shortfills Banana

Bubblegum Milkshake

Bubblegum Milkshake - Pink Top by The Udderly Amazing brings chewy and sweet Bubblegum with decadent creamy Milkshake Base to give a sweet, well balanced Bubblegum Milkshake.”

This tastes exactly like bubblegum milkshake…..oh wait, I’ve already done that. Hmmm this is going to get tricky as that milkshake base is the same throughout the range and did I already say how good it is? Well get used to it as it really is impressive. I wasn’t too sure how bubblegum would work as a milkshake but it turns out it works out rather well. It may not be something I would order from my local shake bar, but as a vape, it is lovely. Dispergo already have brought out a few bubblegum flavours in other ranges and all of them are delicious, definitely some of the best I have tried, and this one definitely deserves it’s place among the ranks of lovely bubblegum flavours.

Udderly Amazing Milkshake shortfills Bubblegum

Rainbow Milkshake

Rainbow Milkshake - Bright Top by The Udderly Amazing is a stunning flavour that combines Rainbow sweets with velvety smooth, creamy Milkshake”

This tastes exactly like…yeah you get the idea! Like the bubblegum, I wasn’t sure how well this would work but it does. I did find the rainbow candy flavour was possibly a little less pronounced and the lemon/lime flavours didn’t come through as strong as other rainbow candy flavours that I have tried from the Dispergo stables before, but you can still definitely tell what sweets give it the taste in the mix. I think the milky base just lends itself better to the berry notes more and these definitely come through clearer. It is still a stellar juice though.

Udderly Amazing Milkshake shortfills Rainbow

Strawberry Milkshake

Strawberry Milkshake - Red Top by The Udderly Amazing is a very smooth blend of sweet Strawberries and a luscious creamy Milkshake base.”

We are back on more traditional ground here and guess what…this tastes exactly like strawberry milkshake! But we aren’t talking about the crappy flavoured milk of cheap shakes, this is the real deal with heaps of fresh Wimbledon ready strawberries, lashings of jersey cream and real milk! It tastes like how I wish my own home made milkshakes tasted but imported supermarket strawberries just aren’t up to the job and always lead to disappointment. 

Udderly Amazing Milkshake shortfills Strawberry

Vanilla Milkshake

Vanilla Milkshake - Cream Top by The Udderly Amazing uses a beautiful creamy milkshake base with smooth Vanilla beans perfectly balanced to give a stunning Vanilla milkshake.”

We are on the home straight here and this is possibly the most understated flavour in the range. The vanilla blends very well as you would expect but never over steps the mark so it remains a milkshake and doesn’t turn in to a custard which it could so easily do. The vanilla also brings a richness to the creamy base flavour. It isn’t as in your face as the rest of the range but that doesn’t mean it’s any less of a flavour, it is just a bit more subtle. This also means it is a very easy all day vape for when you just want something that is effortlessly vapable.

Udderly Amazing Milkshake shortfills Vanilla

Final Thoughts

Well I think you can tell that I am very impressed with this range. I already know that Dispergo really have their mixing chops down pat but the Udderly Amazing Milkshake Range really highlights their mastery of their skills. If you love fully loaded milkshakes, you will love these flavours. But as I mentioned before I got in to the individual flavours, these are potential coil killers. I guess that is the price you have to pay for that authentic milk base. I found that after one 5ml tank, I could taste the start of burnt wicks, and by the time I’d done two tanks, it was definitely time to change things out and clean things up. I am very fussy about my wicks though and have very sensitive tastebuds so others might not find it is an issue, I just feel t is only fair to point out the full pros and cons and you can make up your own minds.

If these have tickled your fancy, you can pick them up directly from Dispergo Vaping for £14.99 for 100ml and they are also part of the multi buy offer so you can get two for £25, and this includes free nic shots too. As always, if you buy them and find they are not for you, they are covered by the Dispergo taste guarantee so if for any reason you are not happy, you can send them back and swap them for something else totally free of charge. That is how confident they are in their products as well they should be.

Many thanks to Dispergo Vaping for sending these in for review.

Udderly Amazing Milkshake shortfills full range

Michelle (Purplefowler) avatar

When her usual forum closed, Michelle found herself in a brave new world full of excitement that something fresh and new was happening. A few days later she somehow found herself on the moderating team and is still not really sure how that happened. Even stranger, she slowly worked her way up to admin and now helps behind the scenes, liasing with vendors and coordinating social media but she can still be found making smutty comments on the forum. If all that wasn't enough, she also is a proud member of the Potv review team specialising in E-liquid reviews for the discerning vaper.

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