Politics & Campaigns

The future of vaping is in our hands – act now

The vote on Lord Callanan’s motion to block the TPD is scheduled to happen this week. We need to put pressure on the right politicians as a matter of urgency otherwise we will be stuck with the TPD as it stands for the next ten years.

Please write to your MP

The next job for all vapers is to write to your MP.

The most important week for vaping yet

Vaping still needs you to support every effort to help the politicians see sense regarding Article 20.

BREAKING NEWS: House of Lords vote could defeat UK TPD

Following the savaging of the TPD last week, Lord Callanan has put down a motion which if passed will stop implementation of the TPD in the UK. This is a critical development that all vapers need to be aware of.

Draft Ecig Proposal Bans All UK Advertising

POTV has been passed a draft version of the legislation that will deal with electronic cigarette advertising in the UK as part of the TPD.

British Standards

To what extent will BS effect how we are vaping in 2016?

Protest & Survive

Demonstrations will be taking place across Europe on Friday 29th May, including two in London and Swansea.

Vicious Antz

Antz, as vapers have termed the collection of anti-vaping campaigners, are still on the move. The time to keep our powder dry has gone.

Cowboys and India

The Indian government has got all hot under the collar about vaping and plan a spicy yet unpalatable solution.

Thank you for smoking.

We would like to think that politicians (forming legislation dictating how, where and what we vape) do so from science-based health reasons. But do they?