Vaping News
Drive-thru Science
Experts and interested parties attack the poor science, outright lies and vested interests of those opposed to vaping.
Stealthvape attacked by Big Tobacco
The tobacco companies are coming – and they are bringing their high paid lawyers with them.
Ecig debate “in desperate need of clarity”
Scientists continue to argue from polar ends of the vaping debate with, as some claim, science and public health losing out.
Social Media and Vaping
To what extent can social media influence choices regarding electronic cigarettes? Two scientists plan on finding out.
NRT? No Thanks!
Latest research shows that traditional NRT products are failing to enthuse smokers attempting to quit.
Charger Warning
Sound advice about charging e-cigs from Kent Trading Standards, the Kent Fire and Rescue Service and the Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Professor Troll
Public health officials campaigning against electronic cigarettes have returned to ironically slighting vaping advocates with the epithet of ‘trolling’ once more.
Advertising Ignorance
Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line trots out possibly the most objectionable piece collection of half-truths and lies to date, attempting to scare smokers away from vaping
Vapes on a plane
The advice about vaping while travelling by air is pretty clear cut...or is it?
Dangerous Quit Drugs
Anti-vaping advocates repeat the ‘potential’ dangers of electronic cigarettes, but how does this contrast with their support of quit-smoking drugs linked to so many admissions to hospitals?