Health & Studies

Thai Junk Science Videos

Thai experiments purporting to measure the particulate matter of vape have been mocked by harm reduction experts

Great Vape Mates

UCL Research says that vapers make great mates for smokers

UCL Study: Novel nicotine and tobacco product health effects

Recruiting male and female ex-smokers who now vape to participate in research on the health effects of e-cigarettes compared with smoking conventional cigarettes and not smoking at all.

Potential cancer causing DNA mutations absent in vape tests

Scientists at British American Tobacco have compared the mutagenic potential of vapour compared to cigarette smoke with promising results.

Low Risk of Passive Vaping

Do electronic cigarettes pose a risk to third parties who do not vape?

Cherry Flavour Research

Study declares cherry flavours as harmful to the respiratory tract

Ecigs more effective than over the counter quit smoking products

Latest Findings: Ecigs more effective than over the counter quit smoking products

Ecig Efficacy Attacked

The Conversation is home to staunch anti-ecig campaigners such as Simon Chapman. A team of three researchers from the University of Warwick have used it to discuss their findings where they explain “why e-cigarettes could be holding back your plans to quit smoking.”

Alcohol in Ecigs Study

Alcohol in Ecigs Study: Yale scientists claim it impacts on motor skills, the press claims you will drive badly.

Blood Pressure and Ecigs

Doctor Farsalinos releases a study looking at the impact of ecigs on blood pressure and heart rate with smoking cessation.