Health & Studies

Everything They Needed To Know

UK mental health experts produce a guide to vaping for practitioners to develop better understanding and work-based policies

Dr Jackson Responds

Dr Sarah Jackson has responded to a letter questioning a study conducted by a team at University College London on the effectiveness of vaping

GB Success

A new paper published in the BMJ’s Thorax journal shows that smoking quitting rates were much higher after e-cigarette use rose in Great Britain

Oz Gateway Closed

Claims that vaping is a gateway to smoking have been rebuffed in Australia.

Open Science Call

Professors West and Munafò issue a joint call for scientists to adopt an ‘open science’ policy for vape-related research

Anti-Vape Oz Twits

Anti-vape researchers in Australia have got flustered about vape companies telling the truth about vaping on Twitter

Daily Vaping Aids Quitting

A new “comprehensive” study in the Nicotine & Tobacco Research journal finds that people who vape daily are more likely to find success in quitting smoking

Second-Rate Yale Study

Researchers at prestigious Yale University ignore the obvious to state new fears about JUUL vanilla flavouring, aiming to stock fear about all eliquids

Flavour Toxicity

Farsalinos and Lagoumintzis respond to fears over vape flavours by highlighting that it is the dose that makes the poison.

Mouse-Brained Research

More junk science from California, as researchers make the claim that eliquids cause damage to "specialised cells".