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Vaping News

Reduced Harm For The Homeless

Smoking cessation support has been targeted to clients at Manchester’s homeless hotels during COVID-19 pandemic

Vaping News

Weedy Research

Jessica Barrington-Trimis has managed to produce another trash study, this time claiming teen vaping leads to drug abuse

Vaping News

Shenzhen Shutdown

The Chinese Communist Party is happy to sell cigarettes but not comfortable with people vaping in Shenzhen

Vaping News

Bloomberg’s War Chest Probed

Philippines politician pushes for a probe into the millions of dollars flooding into the country to fund anti-vaping rhetoric and influence legislation

Vaping News

Sheffield’s Dull Legislative Blade

Council officials in the Steel City are knifing tobacco harm reduction by pushing a policy to treat vaping the same as smoking

Vaping News

The Revision of the EU TPD

The Independent European Vape Alliance held an eConference where experts spoke about the TPD3 process and probable impact

Vaping News

Welsh Kids Dropping Vaping

DECIPHer report shows that vaping has fallen off with Welsh youth but the decline in long term smoking rates has stalled

Vaping News

Ireland Blind To Harm Reduction

Truth is being distorted in the Irish media about teens being lured into smoking and the Irish Heart Foundation is pushing for higher taxes on vape products

Vaping News

NZ Misses Opportunity

The Aotearoa Vapers Community Advocacy says New Zealand has missed an open goal by failing to get behind vaping and the Stoptober 2020 campaign

Vaping News

Major Survey Launch

European consumer group ETHRA has launched a major survey on nicotine users in Europe. Vapers are strongly encouraged to take part