“Associations between dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking cessation: A prospective study of smokers in England” by Sarah Jackson, Lion Shahab, Robert West, and Jamie Brown
The team found there was no significant difference in the prevalence of quit attempts at follow-up between baseline dual users and exclusive smokers. Dual users of e-cigarettes were less likely than dual users of NRT to have made a quit attempt.
There was no significant difference in success of quit attempts or overall quits in dual users of e-cigarettes compared with exclusive smokers or dual users of NRT. The overall quit rate was nearly 3 times greater in past year smokers who used e-cigarettes compared with those who remained exclusive smokers.
Commenting on the study, the UK Electronic Cigarette Research Forum said: “There was a high rate of drop out between baseline and follow up meaning that the resulting sample size was relatively small, with 292 and 117 participants remaining in the dual e-cigarette and NRT subgroups, respectively. This may result in reduced power to detect an effect on quit attempts, and the results may be subject to bias.
“Association between changes in harm perceptions and e-cigarette use among current tobacco smokers in a time series analysis” by Olga Perski, Emma Beard and Jamie Brown
The team found a 1% decrease in the prevalence of smokers who believed that e-cigarettes are less harmful than cigarettes was associated with a 0.48% decrease in prevalence of e-cigarette use among smokers. They believe the changes in the prevalence of smokers who believed that e-cigarettes are less harmful than cigarettes was associated with a decrease in the prevalence of e-cigarette use among smokers.
They noted there was no significant association between this belief and the use of e-cigarettes in 16-24-year olds.
The UK Electronic Cigarette Research Forum stated: “The study looked at an association between trends rather than a causal link. Associations could have been confounded by other factors such as cuts to Stop Smoking Services which were not considered in the analysis.”
“European adult smokes’ perceptions of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes relative to combustible cigarettes: cohort findings from the 2016 and 2018 EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys” by Gravely , Driezen, Kyriakos et al.
Looking at the effects the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) on harm perceptions of e-cigarettes in six European Union member states, the team found that 28.4% of respondents viewed e-cigarettes as less harmful than cigarettes, 61.8% believed that they were equally or more harmful than cigarettes and 9.8% responded that they did not know whether they were more, less or equally as harmful as cigarettes.
Respondents from Spain and Romania were less likely to believe that e-cigarettes are less harmful than cigarettes. Respondents from Germany were less likely than respondents from Hungary to believe that e-cigarettes were equally or more harmful than cigarettes.
Current e-cigarette users and those who had reported having tried but not currently using e-cigarettes were more likely to believe that e-cigarettes are less harmful than cigarettes compared to those who had never tried an e-cigarette.
The UK Electronic Cigarette Research Forum said: “There were very few e-cigarette users in the sample which may have affected the estimates of harm perceptions among e-cigarette users. The data in the study were self-reported. Therefore, it may have been subject to bias.”
- “Associations between dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking cessation: A prospective study of smokers in England” by Sarah Jackson, Lion Shahab, Robert West, and Jamie Brown – [link]
- “Association between changes in harm perceptions and e-cigarette use among current tobacco smokers in a time series analysis” by Olga Perski, Emma Beard and Jamie Brown – [link]
- “European adult smokes’ perceptions of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes relative to combustible cigarettes: cohort findings from the 2016 and 2018 EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys” by Gravely , Driezen, Kyriakos et al. – [link]
- UKECRF – [link]
Other studies from April and May:
Patterns of use
- Cigarette use, e-cigarette use, and dual product use is higher among adults with serious psychological distress in the United States: 2014-2017.
- Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) in China: Evidence from Citywide Representative Surveys from Five Chinese Cities in 2018.
- Validation of an E-cigarette Purchase Task in Advanced Generation Device Users.
- E-cigarette Product Characteristics and Subsequent Frequency of Cigarette Smoking.
- Tobacco use and E-cigarette regulation: Perspectives of University Students in the Asia-Pacific.
- Patterns of tobacco and e-cigarette use status in India: a cross-sectional survey of 3000 vapers in eight Indian cities.
- Addiction vs. dependence: A mixed methods analysis of young adult JUUL users.
- Dripping and vape tricks: Alternative e-cigarette use behaviors among adolescents.
- The influence of neuroticism in terms of E-cigarette dependence and beliefs about use and quitting among dual users of combustible and electronic cigarettes.
- Dependence on e-cigarettes and cigarettes in a cross-sectional study of US adults.
- Use of Electronic Cigarettes in European Populations: A Narrative Review.
- Timing of vape use among adolescents: Differences by family structure.
- Tobacco Retail Density and Initiation of Alternative Tobacco Product Use Among Teens.
- Differences in nicotine intake and effects from electronic and combustible cigarettes among dual users.
- Abuse liability of electronic cigarettes in men who are experienced electronic cigarette users.
- Electronic Cigarette Use and Associated Risk Factors in U.S.-Dwelling Pacific Islander Young Adults.
- E-cigarette use and associated factors among smokers with severe mental illness.
- Longitudinal trends in e-cigarette devices used by Californian youth, 2014-2018.
- Comparing Factors Related to Any Conventional Cigarette Smokers, Exclusive New Alternative Product Users, and Non-Users among Japanese Youth: A Nationwide Survey.
- Electronic cigarette use among Italian smokers: patterns, settings, and adverse events.
- Longitudinal transitions of exclusive and polytobacco electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use among youth, young adults and adults in the USA: findings from the PATH Study Waves 1-3 (2013-2016).
- Increases in the Prevalence of Frequent E-Cigarette Use Among Adolescents.
- Daily exposure to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde and potential health risk associated with use of high and low nicotine e-liquid concentrations.
- Do JUUL and e-cigarette flavours change risk perceptions of adolescents? Evidence from a national survey.
- Electronic cigarette dependence and demand among pod mod users as a function of smoking status.
- Behavioral heterogeneity among cigarette and e-cigarette dual-users and associations with future tobacco use: Findings from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study.
- Changes in Flavor Preference in a Cohort of Long-Term Electronic Cigarette Users.
- Behavioral heterogeneity among cigarette and e-cigarette dual-users and associations with future tobacco use: Findings from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study.
- Changes in Use Patterns Over 1 Year Among Smokers and Dual Users of Combustible and Electronic Cigarettes.
- How Does Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Change After Onset of Vaping? A Retrospective Analysis of Dual Users.
- E-cigarette Dependence Measures in Dual Users: Reliability and Relations With Dependence Criteria and E-cigarette Cessation.
- Young Adult Tobacco and E-cigarette Use Transitions: Examining Stability Using Multistate Modeling.
- Measurement of Electronic Cigarette Frequency of Use Among Smokers Participating in a Randomized Controlled Trial.
- An online survey of Malaysian long-term e-cigarette user perceptions.
- Comparison of Message and Effects Perceptions for The Real Cost E-Cigarette Prevention Ads.
- European adult smokers' perceptions of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes relative to combustible cigarettes: cohort findings from the 2016 and 2018 EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys.
- Newspaper media representation of electronic cigarette use during pregnancy.
- Perceptions, Characteristics, and Behaviors of Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Use among Pregnant Smokers.
- Association between changes in harm perceptions and e-cigarette use among current tobacco smokers in England: a time series analysis.
- Associations Between Self-Reported and Biological Measures of Nicotine Consumption Among Young Adult Nondaily Cigarette Smokers.
- Perception of E-cigarette Use among Adult Users in China: A Mixed-method Study.
- How are nicotine vaping products represented to pharmacists? A content analysis of Australian pharmacy news sources.
- Adolescents' perceptions of tobacco accessibility and smoking norms and attitudes in response to the tobacco point-of-sale display ban in Scotland: results from the DISPLAY Study.
- Impacts of Nicotine and Flavoring on the Sensory Perception of E-Cigarette Aerosol.
- An Experimental Study of Nicotine Warning Statements in E-cigarette Tweets.
- Awareness of Changes in E-cigarette Regulations and Behavior Before and After Implementation: A Longitudinal Survey of Smokers, Ex-smokers, and Vapers in the United Kingdom.
- Smoking Cessation and Improvement in Mental Health Outcomes: Do People Who Quit Smoking by Switching to Electronic Cigarettes Experience Improvement in Mental Health?
- Is dual use of nicotine products and cigarettes associated with smoking reduction and cessation behaviours? A prospective study in England.
- Associations between dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking cessation: A prospective study of smokers in England.
- Incorporating Message Framing into Narrative Persuasion to Curb E-Cigarette Use Among College Students.
- Using e-cigarettes for smoking cessation: evaluation of a pilot project in the North West of England.
- Effectiveness of a Quit Vaping Text Message Program in Promoting Abstinence Among Young Adult E-Cigarette Users: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Cannabis Use among Dual Electronic and Combustible Cigarette Smokers: Relations with Pain and Hazardous Drinking.
- Withdrawal Symptoms From E-Cigarette Abstinence Among Former Smokers: A Pre-Post Clinical Trial.
- Electronic Cigarette Use and Cigarette Abstinence Over 2 Years Among U.S. Smokers in the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study.
- Engagement and 3-Month Outcomes From a Digital E-Cigarette Cessation Program in a Cohort of 27 000 Teens and Young Adults.
- Withdrawal Symptoms From E-Cigarette Abstinence Among Adult Never-Smokers: A Pilot Experimental Study.
- Interest in Quitting E-cigarettes Among Adults in the United States.
- E-cigarettes and Smoking Cessation in the United States According to Frequency of E-cigarette Use and Quitting Duration: Analysis of the 2016 and 2017 National Health Interview Surveys.
- Cold Turkey and Hot Vapes? A National Study of Young Adult Cigarette Cessation Strategies.
- School-type differences in e-cigarette use and its correlates among Chinese adolescents.
- Are e-cigarettes reviving the popularity of conventional smoking among Taiwanese male adolescents? A time-trend population-based analysis for 2004-2017.
- E-Cigarette and Cigarette Use Among U.S. Adolescents: Longitudinal Associations With Marijuana Use and Perceptions.
- School-Level Prevalence and Predictors of e-Cigarette Use in 8th, 10th, and 12th Grade U.S. Youth: Results From a National Survey (2015-2016).
- What influences adolescents to continuously use e-cigarettes?
- Electronic Cigarettes, Nicotine Use Trends, and Use Initiation Ages among US Adolescents from 1999-2018.
- Influence of menthol and green apple e-liquids containing different nicotine concentrations among youth e-cigarette users.
- E-Cigarette Use Is Associated With Intentions to Lose Weight Among High School Students.
- Use of JUUL E-cigarettes Among Youth in the United States.
Harms and harm reduction
- Neuroinflammatory and Behavioral Outcomes Measured in Adult Offspring of Mice Exposed Prenatally to E-Cigarette Aerosols.
- Associations between trying to control weight, weight control behaviors and current electronic cigarette usage in middle and high school students: A cross-sectional study in Zhejiang Province, China.
- Effect of Electronic cigarette aerosol Exposure During Gestation and Lactation on Learning and Memory of Adult Male Offspring Rats.
- Urinary biomonitoring of subjects with different smoking habits. Part I: Profiling mercapturic acids.
- Mid-term effects of electronic cigarette use on vascular function and oxidative stress.
- Comparative Studies of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals on Total Particulate Matter Collected from Electronic and Tobacco Cigarettes.
- Comparison of the cardiac effects of electronic cigarette aerosol exposure with waterpipe and combustible cigarette smoke exposure in rats.
- Lung histomorphological alterations in rats exposed to cigarette smoke and electronic cigarette vapour.
- Electronic cigarette exposure disrupts blood-brain barrier integrity and promotes neuroinflammation.
- Acute effects of e-cigarette vaping on pulmonary function and airway inflammation in healthy individuals and in patients with asthma.
- In Vitro Toxicity and Chemical Characterization of Aerosol Derived from Electronic Cigarette Humectants Using a Newly Developed Exposure System.
- Dual use of electronic and conventional cigarettes is associated with higher cardiovascular risk factors in Korean men.
- Cardiovascular autonomic effects of electronic cigarette use: a systematic review.
- Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes Adversely Impact ECG Indices of Ventricular Repolarization: Implication for Sudden Death Risk.
- Metal/Metalloid Levels in Electronic Cigarette Liquids, Aerosols, and Human Biosamples: A Systematic Review.
- Metal Concentration Assessment in the Urine of Cigarette Smokers Who Switched to Electronic Cigarettes: A Pilot Study.
- Benefits of e-cigarettes in smoking reduction and in pulmonary health among chronic smokers undergoing a lung cancer screening program at 6 months.
- E-cigarettes and Fecundability: Results from a Prospective Preconception Cohort Study.
- Electronic cigarette vapour moderately stimulates pro-inflammatory signalling pathways and interleukin-6 production by human monocyte-derived dendritic cells.
- Nicotine-Free e-Cigarette Vapor Exposure Stimulates IL6 and Mucin Production in Human Primary Small Airway Epithelial Cells.
- E-Cigarette Use Patterns and High-Risk Behaviors in Pregnancy: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2016-2018.
- A comparative in vitro toxicity assessment of electronic vaping product e-liquids and aerosols with tobacco cigarette smoke.
- Investigating DNA adduct formation by flavor chemicals and tobacco byproducts in electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) using in silico approaches.
- Alterations in Vascular Function Associated With the Use of Combustible and Electronic Cigarettes.
- Impact of Electronic Alternatives to Tobacco Cigarettes on Indoor Air Particular Matter Levels.
- Evidence from a mouse model on the dangers of thirdhand electronic cigarette exposure during early life.
- E-Cigarette Use Associated With Asthma Independent of Cigarette Smoking and Marijuana in a 2017 National Sample of Adolescents.
- In vitro long-term repeated exposure and exposure switching of a novel tobacco vapor product in a human organotypic culture of bronchial epithelial cells.
- Carbonyls and Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Electronic Cigarettes Affected by Device Type and Use Patterns.
- Arsenic species in electronic cigarettes: Determination and potential health risk.
- Effect of e-cigarette advertisement themes on hypothetical e-cigarette purchasing in price-responsive adolescents.
- Electronic cigarette advertising and teen smoking initiation.
- Low powered variable voltage E-Cigarette batteries under perform at higher power settings.
- School proximity and census tract correlates of e-cigarette specialty retail outlets (vape shops) in central Texas.
- Electronic cigarettes: Emerging trends and research hotspots.
- Cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations in commercially available CBD E-liquids in Switzerland.
- Contextualising the 2019 E-Cigarette Health Scare: Insights from Twitter.
- E-cigarette device power moderates the effects of non-tobacco flavors and nicotine on product appeal in young adults.
- Content Analysis of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Publications in Core Clinical Journals from 2012 to 2018.
- Trendy e-cigarettes enter Europe: chemical characterization of JUUL pods and its aerosols.
- Electronic cigarettes: How confident and effective are allergists, pulmonologists, and primary care physicians in their practice behavior?
- A comparison of the electrical characteristics, liquid composition, and toxicant emissions of JUUL USA and JUUL UK e-cigarettes
- Flavor-specific enhancement of electronic cigarette liquid consumption and preference in mice.
- Differences in flavourant levels and synthetic coolant use between USA, EU and Canadian Juul products.
- Flavored E-Cigarette Sales in the United States Under Self-Regulation From January 2015 Through October 2019.
- Sensory Evaluation of E-Liquid Flavors by Smelling and Vaping Yields Similar Results.
- The Experimental Tobacco Marketplace: Demand and Substitutability as a Function of Cigarette Taxes and e-Liquid Subsidies.
- Modulation of "Protective" Nicotine Perception and Use Profile by Flavorants: Preliminary Findings in E-cigarettes.
- Querying About the Use of Specific E-Cigarette Devices May Enhance Accurate Measurement of E-Cigarette Prevalence Rates Among High School Students.
- History and Current Trends in the Electronic Cigarette Retail Marketplace in the United States: 2010-2016.

Dave Cross
Journalist at POTVDave is a freelance writer; with articles on music, motorbikes, football, pop-science, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Sounds, Melody Maker, UBG, AWoL, Bike, When Saturday Comes, Vape News Magazine, and syndicated across the Johnston Press group. He was published in an anthology of “Greatest Football Writing”, but still believes this was a mistake. Dave contributes sketches to comedy shows and used to co-host a radio sketch show. He’s worked with numerous start-ups to develop content for their websites.
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