Way back in February, our reviewer Craig took a look at the original Kizoku Limit RTA and he liked what he saw. Now half a year later, they have brought out a limited edition version, the Kizoku Limit Renaissance Edition, and they have really gone above and beyond with what you get to play with. It still has the choice of using stock coils or the RBA base, but now they have supercharged the package and it has become an RTA lover’s dream bundle.
Many thanks to Heaven Gifts for sending this out for review and an extra thanks for also including a couple of boxes of Kizuko coils.
Packaging and contents
Now I am a bit of a vaping snob, I like the finer things in life, so I wasn’t really expecting to be blown away by this tank. But then it arrived and I was immediately impressed. Kizoku have thrown everything they’ve got in both the packaging and the contents. The box screams high end, with a velvet touch feel magnetic flip open box, embossed strip giving a taste of the tank’s engraving and metallic bronze writing telling you what it is and what is included. I must have spent a good five minutes just admiring the box, it is just so elegant. After the initial surprise subsided, I finally opened the flap and lifted the lid to be presented with a vapers box of delights! Whilst the outside was impressive, the contents and layout took it all up a level. On the lid section, there is more beautiful bronze writing which tells you all about the tank and its construction. They certainly aren’t lying when they promise “visual enjoyment”! On to the actual contents (I know I’ve talked about the packaging a bit, but it is just so nice), and the attention to detail carries on. There is a black, hard foam insert with sections for each part of the kit and these are also clearly labeled in bronze again. First off it the main tank which looked stunning against the black backdrop and it really emphasised the engraving, then next to that there is a PC top cap, tube and drip tip which gives you the options to completely change out the look of the tank. Moving along, the next row contains the rebuildable base, a spare glass section in case something happens to the original one, and a 0.7Ω mesh coil. Finally there is a box of spares which includes a tri-tool, wicking material, a ready made coil, spare screws, o’rings and a replacement gasket for the juice fill port in the main tank. This really is the most complete package I think I have ever seen, they really have thought of everything! The only thing I couldn’t find were the instructions, but after digging around, I eventually found the black insert, whilst tight fitting, does lift out and there they were along with a warranty/repair card. The instructions are clear and concise but detailed enough to get you started.
Set up and use
So after spending a while just admiring the packaging, it was time to get down to business. After all, it can be as sexy as it likes but if it doesn’t perform then it is all just a waste! First up I took out the main tank and the included 0.7Ω mesh coil. Before inserting the coil, I had to have a closer look at the tank and once again, it really looks high end. The engraving is very clean and detailed and oozes with class. Despite being a busy design, it still manages to look stylish. It is also a satisfying weight with its combination of SS 304 and glass. Fitting the coil is a doddle, you just unscrew the base, screw the coil in, prime it with a bit of juice and then screw the whole section to the main tank body. Filling up the juice is equally easy but is a really clever but simple design. It has a slide lid where you push in the right spot and the lid moves over. Now I’ve always liked the idea of slide fill lids but I’ve also had too many of them open when in my pocket, dumping the whole load of juice out. But the Limit has a great trick to fix this. At the top of the tank, there is a slightly knurled ring which you have to unscrew before you can release the lid and after filling, you just screw it back up again and this gives a very secure fit and means it is impossible to have any accidentally juice dumps. I really like this feature a lot! The threading on all the unscrew able sections is silky smooth too and it is a joy to take apart (well mostly, but I will get to that later!). Once the lid is open, there is a fairly wide fill port which is covered by a white gasket. It was easy to fill with a needle point bottle, but you might struggle with a shorter, stumpy eliquid dropper. Now filling is where the first niggle comes up. Whilst the engraved section looks wonderful, it also means that you cannot see once the juice level reaches it so you have to guess or stop to check. I thought I was being really clever when I tilted the tank to fill, i could see what was going in well but for some reason, it affected the wicking and I kept getting dry hits so I had to go back to keeping it upright and just guessing. After a while your ears learn the different sounds as the tank gets closer to being filled so it is a minor niggle.
Flavour with the 0.7Ω coil was good but not outstanding, there are some truly fantastic mesh coils out there but the Kizoku branded ones are not quite up there with the best. They are certainly not bad though and the notes all still come through well but don’t expect to be dribbling in flavour heaven! As well as the included coil, Heaven Gifts also included a box of 0.7Ω and a box of 1.8Ω coils too which were also good but not anything to write home about. Both varieties wicked well and worked equally well with all the flavours I tried. I found they were particularly good for tobacco juices or more basic fruits but complex blends lost a bit of detail. The biggest frustration I had with the whole kit came when using the stock coils. You cannot vape the tank empty with them. Once you get down to the top level of the wicking hole on the coil, it starts to dry hit quite badly. This isn’t a problem if you are planning to fill up with the same juice but if, like me, you like to mix things up, it is a little bit of a downer as you are always left with a few millimetres of juice at the bottle of the tank. Really the wick holes need to sit lower down the assembly to avoid this issue. On the plus side, coil life is good and you should easily get a few weeks out of a coil unless you are using very sweet or obvious coil killing juices.
I love the convenience of being able to use stock coils, but as a rule I am a rebuildable fan and here things perked back up again. This is one of the easiest build bases out there for single coil builds. There is plenty of space and you can fit a 3mm coil in there with ease. My regular build is 7 wraps of 0.5 kanthal with a 2.5mm diameter (yeah I know it is a bit of a strange build but hey, it works for me!) and this worked really well. You just unscrew the grub screws on the wire clamps, drop your coil in, and tighten them back up. The screw heads are very small but once you get the screw driver in place, they are nice screws to work with and the clamps hold things nice and tight. If you like spaced coils, then you are good to go, but I like like a good micro coil. Again, there is more than enough space to get your tweezers in to fettle away until you have the coil that you want. Then just thread your chosen wick in, not too loose but not too tight, you want it to still be able to move with slight resistance. Trim the wick down and tuck it into the slots. You need it to touch the bottom of the wick ports but only just, too much wick will throttle the juice so less is better than too much. After a quick prime, it is good to go. Flavour is very good in this tank and I was also impressed with how long my wicks were lasting which I guess is down to all that lovely space in the coil area. Best of all, you can vape it almost down to the last drop of juice. I am very impressed with this as a rebuildable tank, performance wise it is up there with classics like kayfuns and the rose 3 (two of my favourite tanks). I have a feeling I will be using it long after this review is published, I like it that much.
Airflow works well too and has plenty of options. This is very much a mouth to lung tank but you have the choice of six airflow holes to chose from and you can really feel the difference with each hole that you close. If you want a looser draw, you can spin the airflow ring right round to reveal a single large slot which opens it up to almost being a direct to lung tank, but be warned that if you try to take a good DTL hit, you will end up with a bit of juice in your mouth. Personally, I liked the full six holes option but they all work well. The adjuster ring is firm and stays where you set it to
Changing styles
Also included in this huge kit is a whole new polycarbonate tank section. If you already have the regular Limit, this can be bought separately. To change it over, you simply unscrew the section from under the glass layer and then screw this in to the new tank which completely changes the style of the tank. I say simply, but actually this was the hardest thing to change as the original tank was stuck firm and there was no way my puny hands had the strength to take it apart. Thankfully my other half took over and did it for me. He gave me that “poor women who can’t open jars” look before taking it from my hands and smiling in a slightly patronising manor before giving it a gentle twist and finding out it was actually stuck firm. He then disappears for o moment and came back with it apart so I have no idea what magic he used but I was grateful he’d managed to sort it! Putting the base in the new section was much easier as the threading in the PC tank was spot on once again. I didn’t think I would like the look of the see through design but it looks really good and you can see exactly how much juice is in the tank! Filling is slightly different as you have to unscrew the top to reveal the fill ports, this time there is a fill hole on one side and an air hole on the other.
The only thing I really didn’t like with the PC tank was the matching drip tip as it has a ribbed section and I’m not a fan of that design. Now you could just swap it out for the black one that goes with the SS tank, but I like to use my own drip tips and this proved to be harder than expected. Whilst it looks like a standard 510, it is fractionally smaller and many of my old favourites wouldn’t fit. It is also slightly shallower so even it they fit in the hole, they may not sit flush. After some trial and error, I found one that is a perfect fit and I am now really happy with the whole look and feel.
Final Thoughts
So we come down to the end of this review and what a pleasure it has been to put this through its paces. I really love the looks and functionality of this whole bundle and I love the flexibility of being able to use stock coils or my own builds. This is also perfect if you are curious about RTAs but don’t want to commit fully, it gives you the option to experiment whilst having the safety net of stock coils to fall back on. The build quality and feel are top notch, if I saw it out in the wild, I would have thought it was a far more expensive tank than it is. It is pure class. I also love the cosmetic options, you can really mix things up to match your style or mood and everything has been really thought out with care, love and attention.
As much as I mostly love the Kizoku Limit Renaissance edition, it isn’t without it’s faults. It is a shame the stock coils won’t wick properly when you get low on juice, and it is a bit annoying not being able to see how much e-liquid you have when filling it up. But these are just minor points to an otherwise brilliant tank.
If you think this might be the tank for you, you can pick the Kizoku Limit Renaissance Edition up for $52 (roughly £39). Replacement coils come in packs of five for $15.99 (approximately £12) but it is always worth checking to see if they are on offer. At the time of writing, they are on sale for $10.99 so it is worth stocking up.

Michelle (Purplefowler)
Reviewer at POTVWhen her usual forum closed, Michelle found herself in a brave new world full of excitement that something fresh and new was happening. A few days later she somehow found herself on the moderating team and is still not really sure how that happened. Even stranger, she slowly worked her way up to admin and now helps behind the scenes, liasing with vendors and coordinating social media but she can still be found making smutty comments on the forum. If all that wasn't enough, she also is a proud member of the Potv review team specialising in E-liquid reviews for the discerning vaper.
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