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BAT Looks At The Science

BAT says it is focussing on the science as it conducts the “first real-world study assessing the impact of Vuse on indicators for several smoking-related diseases”

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British American Tobacco (BAT) says it is focussing on the science as it conducts the “first real-world study assessing the impact of Vuse on indicators for several smoking-related diseases”. It says the results will provide “a first-of-its kind dataset – adding to the substantial amounts of scientific evidence generated about Vuse”. BAT says this demonstrates its focus on science and innovation to deliver “A Better Tomorrow” and reduce the health impact of its business.

BAT says it has conducted a first-of-its-kind study of Vuse designed to assess and provide insights into the real-world health impact of vaping. The study compares biomarker measures from Vuse consumers who have been using the product for over six months with the results from smokers, former smokers and never smokers. Protocol details explaining the innovative design of the latest study were published in the Journal of Health and Environmental Research. 

The cross-sectional study design uses a single set of data readings to measure exposure to certain toxicants and indicators of potential harm related to several smoking-related diseases in people who have been exclusively using Vuse. 

The biomarkers selected are important indicators that can be used to demonstrate:

  • Biomarkers of Exposure: A person’s exposure to certain toxicants or chemicals
  • Biomarkers of Potential Harm: Indicators of potential harm related to several smoking-related diseases, such as respiratory or cardiovascular disease

BAT says it is hoped that the results, which are currently being analysed and will be published later this year, will provide further supportive evidence that using Vuse can reduce relative risk for certain diseases among adult consumers compared to smoking. It is expected that once available, the results will add to the growing body of evidence on Vuse’s potential as a Reduced-Risk Product.

Dr Sharon Goodall, BAT’s Group Head of Regulatory Sciences, said: “This innovative study demonstrates our commitment to researching the reduced-risk potential of our New Category products. What makes it particularly relevant and exciting is that the results generated will be from people who have been using Vuse as they normally would for more than six months prior to testing. The results will provide important new insights and show us the differences between Vuse users, smokers and former smokers across a range of important biomarkers thought to be predictive of disease development.  We look forward to sharing the data once available.”

Unlike longitudinal studies where participants attend multiple clinic visits over an extended period of time, participants in this study made a single clinic visit where samples of blood, urine and other measurements were collected. These samples were then tested for “biomarkers of exposure” (to selected cigarette smoke toxicants) and “biomarkers of potential harm”. Differences between the groups were assessed, rather than changes from baseline. In addition, to ensure compliance, the Vuse and former smoker groups were tested for the biomarker, CEVal, which indicates if they have recently smoked cigarettes.


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Dave Cross

Journalist at POTV
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Dave is a freelance writer; with articles on music, motorbikes, football, pop-science, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Sounds, Melody Maker, UBG, AWoL, Bike, When Saturday Comes, Vape News Magazine, and syndicated across the Johnston Press group. He was published in an anthology of “Greatest Football Writing”, but still believes this was a mistake. Dave contributes sketches to comedy shows and used to co-host a radio sketch show. He’s worked with numerous start-ups to develop content for their websites.

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