Vaping News

$20 million Campaign

California is to spend $20 million on a campaign aimed at telling people not to vape

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California is to spend $20 million on a campaign aimed at telling people not to vape. It calls it a “public awareness campaign” and yet will highlight “the dangers of vaping”. The move was announced by the Californian governor, Democratic Gavin Newsom, as part of yet another “executive order”. Along with New York, California is in real trouble with its Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement bonds.

Newsom claims the executive order is justified because of the outbreak of lung diseases “linked to vaping”, he said. “California has seen at least 63 cases and one of the six deaths reported.”

Huffington Post is reporting that a seventh “California resident has died from complications related to vaping e-cigarettes”, and that “all of the illnesses reported have involved people with a history of e-cigarette use”. It’s probable that all of them also ate food, drove cars and maybe played video games, but none of those are being blamed at present.

He acknowledges that the “epidemic” is related to use of “cannabis-based oils” but relies on the anecdotal reports from a minority of victims that they only use normal eliquids. As vaping is a global phenomenon and these hospitalisations and deaths are only occurring in the USA, it is impossible to believe that they aren’t all attributable to the same cause.

Newsome also relies on the recent statement from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ignoring the one from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The CDC is dragging its heels and acting in a wholly irresponsible manner by not clearly warning that the cause is a black-market THC product.

“As a father of four, this has been an issue that has been brought to the forefront of my consciousness,” Newsome said.

As a father of four, maybe he ought to demonstrate the values of truth and honesty to his children rather than perpetuating a lie – a lie that could rob many other children of their smoking parents?

“The magnitude of what we’ve unleashed on the American public is yet to be determined,” Newsome said in a press conference. “If I were their parents, I would learn about this issue and take it as a top concern for the health of my children. I would make sure my schools are doing more of the same. I would encourage those parents to be part of an army of support to help the legislature do what it needs to do – and help the President and Congress do what they should already have done.”

“I would like to see a bill on my desk. I would like to sign a bill that eliminated flavoured e-cigarettes absolutely. I’m hopeful that will be accomplished in this two-year session,” he added.

San Francisco supervisor Shamann Walton said: “We spent the 90s battling big tobacco, and now we see its new form in e-cigarettes.”

Why is this important to the U.K.?

These stories travel the world and are placed into our newspapers, they influence the public discussion about vaping and tobacco harm reduction – and members of the public influence politicians. Although we have the most supportive network of political bodies and public health organisations, it shouldn’t be taken for granted. It only needs one body to slightly shift its position and we could face calls for a similar clampdown at home, according to leading British advocates.

The media contact anti-vaping puppets like Martin McKee and Simon Capewell and both are happy to push the narrative that we don’t know enough about vaping or, worse, repeat the lies coming out of California. Meanwhile, over 200 people a day die from smoking-related diseases in England alone – something nobody can afford to be complacent about.

Photo Credit:

  • Dollars, Pixabay – [link]

Dave Cross avatar

Dave Cross

Journalist at POTV
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Dave is a freelance writer; with articles on music, motorbikes, football, pop-science, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Sounds, Melody Maker, UBG, AWoL, Bike, When Saturday Comes, Vape News Magazine, and syndicated across the Johnston Press group. He was published in an anthology of “Greatest Football Writing”, but still believes this was a mistake. Dave contributes sketches to comedy shows and used to co-host a radio sketch show. He’s worked with numerous start-ups to develop content for their websites.

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