RBA Reviews

Nextiny by Vape Ware Mods

Vape Ware Mods have followed up the release of the massively successful Nextgen atomiser with the smallest Genesis tank yet, the Nextiny. Like the Nextgen, it’s set up for you to build with mesh around the centre post, and amongst a few adjustments the height has been reduced in order to make the chamber more condensed and improve the already world class flavour performance found with the Nextgen!

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The Nextiny, and its predecessor, the Nextgen, definitely have some part to play in the recent resurgence of the Genesis atomiser, and I believe that is down to the extremely easy build and the incredibly rewarding vape that follows, and both the Nextiny and Nextgen have made the Genesis atomiser more accessible to those wanting to try out building with mesh. Customer service from Vape Ware Mods is paramount as well, with the guys running it taking a great deal of time to make sure customers are happy and any enquiries are handled efficiently!

The vape that the Nextiny provides is quite unlike anything else, the flavour is simply incredible and it ranks right up there with the very best atomisers around. It's easy to build and the build quality is absolutely world class, it makes building with mesh accessible to anyone, and I believe that it's one of the most well machined and best looking atomisers around.

The Nextiny represents the next evolution in Genesis atomisers and for flavour, you won't find many that can outdo the incredibly intense, flavourful vape the Nextiny provides. This really is one of the very best atomisers I have ever owned!

Dan Willis avatar

Dan Willis

Reviewer at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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