Pod System Reviews

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod Kit

One pod kit, two flavours? VPFIT have come up with an ingenious idea with the new Erino Dual Flavour Pod Kit

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There have been attempts to bring multiple flavour devices out before and I am pretty sure they were all equally unimpressive. So, I have to say when we were contacted to take a look at the new Erino from VPFIT, none of the team were exactly falling over themselves to put their name down for it and I drew what was perceived to be the short straw. Such is the life of a reviewer, sometimes you have to take the rough with the smooth….and sometimes things that you aren’t looking forward to turn out to be little gems. But I don’t think any of us had high hopes that this was going to be anything special.

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod kit first look

First Look and Unboxing

I was sent a couple of Erino kits, a Colour Gradient version, and Gray. The packaging on both is perfectly serviceable, but it won’t jump out on the shelf if you happen to spot one out in the wild. The outer sleeve tells you everything you need to know, the colour, the juice capacity, the battery size, and the coil type, and on the side, you get a list of contents. It is grey, black, and white and it really doesn’t catch the eye. Sliding the main package out reveals the instruction leaflet (mercifully brief, but there really isn’t much you need to know anyway), and under this nestled in a nice white cardboard tray in the device with the pod inserted. Tucked underneath this is the shortest little USB-C lead. If you want to vape whilst charging, you are definitely going to need to use a longer cable.

It is a nicely made device too. I preferred the grey version, the Colourful Gradient is very shiny which isn’t great for someone with sweaty hands, but the Grey is much more forgiving. The lines are all clean and the coating feels smooth. The corners are nicely rounded off too which all add to the tactile feel. It is light but still manages to feel solid and generally has an air of quality.

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod kit unboxing


  • Size: 96mmx32mmx14mm
  • Power Capacity: 500mAh
  • Pod Capacity: Dual-flavors pod, 1.6ml/flavor, 2 flavors, total 3.2mL
  • Vaporizer Body: Aluminum alloy(painting/electroplate)
  • Body Color: Coffe/ Space Grey/ Colorful gradient/ Brushed/ Black
  • Heating Element: 1.1Ω mesh core*
  • Charging Port: Type-C
  • Connect Type: Magnetic force

*These have been lifted from the official specs, but the box says this is a 1.0ohm Mesh Coil, it’s only a little difference but the devil is in the detail.

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod fitment

Dual Flavours

At first glance, the Erino seems to be a very standard pod kit, but the ace up its sleeve is the dual flavour pod which is really quite ingenious. The pod is split into two halves, each half has its own juice section and coil, and the mouthpiece has two holes, one for each side. The clever bit is how you select which side you want. A quarter of the way down the battery section is a silver line and this marks the pivot point, spin it one way for one flavour, and when you want to swap, just spin it the other way. This basically means you have two kits in one device. The mechanism feels surprisingly firm and has shown no sign of getting loose or sloppy, and trust me, it is one of those things that you just have to fiddle with. It works perfectly too. I was quickly becoming quite impressed by this unassuming little kit.

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod kit twist

In Use

The Erino came partially charged but I always prefer to give things a full battery before I get settled in, so twenty minutes later it was time to get down to business. Filling the dual pod is easy, each side has its own fill port in the outside edge. You just flip open the silicone cover to access the juice well, these feel quite thin and flimsy and only time will tell how long they will last, but so far there have been no problems. The fill holes aren’t the biggest, thin nozzles fit fine, but you are going to struggle to get a stubby bottle nib in there. There is only one port on each side, no extra hole to balance the pressure, and I was expecting filling to be a bit of a messy affair, but this hasn’t been the case, if you can get the bottle nib in, it should be mess free.

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod kit filling

Fitting the pod is also straight forward. It only fits in one way, if you try to put it in the wrong way, it simply doesn’t fit due to the subtle shape. Drop it in and the magnets will hold it. There is no wiggle or rattle, and I had to really flick my wrist super hard to get it to budge, it should be perfectly safe in your pocket. The pods are made from a tinted clear plastic and the visibility is good so you can easily see how much e-liquid you have left.

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod

After letting the juice soak in for ten minutes, it was time to see how well it vaped. There is no airflow adjustment and no buttons as it is auto draw so it is simply a matter of taking a drag. At first, I was putting both sides of the mouthpiece between my lips centrally, but it just didn’t feel right, it was slightly too big, and you could really feel that only one side was producing vapour. I experimented a bit and found it works best if you treat each side as a separate entity, vaping it at a slight angle so you are just covering one hole at a time.

The auto draw was spot on, it triggered seamlessly every time. The draw is quite a tight mouth to lung pull. The temperature was fairly warm too, although it did drop a fair bit as the battery level went down, it is definitely noticeably happier with a full charge. Luckily charging is pretty quick although that is to be expected with the small 500mAh battery. From flat to full takes around 45 minutes, but I’d still recommend getting a couple of kits so you always have a spare.

The biggest surprise was the flavour. Although they are mesh coils, I wasn’t expecting much from a brand I haven’t used before, but these proved to be more than capable of producing decent flavour and vapour. Whilst you may not get every nuance of your e-liquid, they still pack a surprising punch, especially when you remember that this isn’t a single flavour pod. Throw in the fact that you can have two completely different flavours on the go at once, this makes this a very appealing little device. It is also very economic when it comes to how much juice it uses, each side seemed to last way longer than it should. I think I went through four charges before I ran out of juice from full.

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod kit side on

Final Thoughts

I really wasn’t expecting much from the Erino, so I was pleasantly surprised by how well it works. The idea has been around for years, but this is by far the best implementation of it yet.

That said, there are a few small areas which could be improved. The battery is a bit small; the juice far outlasts the charge. I would have preferred 1000mAh for a more user friendly out and about kit. The flavour drop off is noticeable as the charge drops, and you don’t get much warning that the battery is going flat, you are safe when it is green or blue, but as soon as it goes red (there are lights on the front to indicate charge status), it stops working and this can feel quite sudden. You also can’t really see the lights when you vape without going cross eyed! The light only illuminates as you draw so as soon as you take the mouthpiece away from your lips, the light has already gone.

All that said, I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this little kit. My other half can vape the same flavour until he finishes a bottle, but I get bored easily and can’t usually do more than one tank of a flavour at a time, so the ability to be able to twist the bottom to get a different flavour really is brilliant, especially when it works as well as this. Hopefully VPFIT come up with a bigger version as this could be a real game changer.

So finally, would I recommend it, and who to? If you are looking for something a bit different but still want simplicity, then you will love it. If you like to swap flavours often, you will also find a lot to love here. If you are looking for something that you are more hands on with, it may not be for you, this is not for advanced users as there are no user changeable settings. If you want a simple kit to throw in your pocket for a night out, this could be the answer.

Many thanks to VPFIT for sending the Erino Dual Flavour Pod Kit in for review!

VPFIT Erino Dual Flavour Pod kit

Michelle (Purplefowler) avatar

When her usual forum closed, Michelle found herself in a brave new world full of excitement that something fresh and new was happening. A few days later she somehow found herself on the moderating team and is still not really sure how that happened. Even stranger, she slowly worked her way up to admin and now helps behind the scenes, liasing with vendors and coordinating social media but she can still be found making smutty comments on the forum. If all that wasn't enough, she also is a proud member of the Potv review team specialising in E-liquid reviews for the discerning vaper.

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