Mod Reviews

Wismec RX G Mod

Si indulges his inner Iron Man as he tests the power of the new Wismec Reuleaux RX G mod

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Sent by those friendly folks at UKVB/TECC for review.
£49.99 delivered plus FREE Golisi S30 18650 3000mAh Battery and Silicone Sleeve

Now and again we get a special treat to review and when the Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod was offered up to review, I scrambled to the front of the queue to get this one as I had seen some previews and this is right up my street!

My review will likely be as biased as f**k as I was smitten with this design masterpiece from start to finish. If you like the look of this kit then you will likely feel the same, if you hate the look of it I can’t see you reading beyond this as I get the feeling this will be a love or hate thing.
(Other colours available)

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod boxed

Should have gone to spec savers…..
Looking on the official page the specifications are a bit thin on the ground:

  • Battery Type - 18650
  • Output Wattage - 1-100W
  • Resistance range - 0.1-3.0ohm
  • Screen - 0.96inch colour display
  • Charging current - 5V/2A

But specs aren’t everything and there’s quite a few highlight and features that stand out, I will go into more detail later but here’s some of my own highlights:

  • Compact size
  • Innovative fire button
  • Physical locking switch
  • Discreet adjustment buttons
  • Pleasing diffused lighting effects (can be turned off)
  • Fast charging (the charging screen is mesmerising)
  • AI mode
  • Ergonomic

And that’s all before I start talking about the design, but I will go into that later as it’s time for unboxing….

Boxing Day

There was nothing too exciting in the unboxing as this is just the mod, there’s an outer sleeve showing the device in your colour choice and a few of the features, on the back has the contents and specifications. The main box is a sturdy black two piece number with the mod held in the top layer.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod unboxed

Underneath the top layer is a cardboard divider with the USB cable, manual and a couple of bits of paper to ignore, as I mentioned there’s nothing too exciting about the bundle but the mod and tank kit offers more.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod contents

Fast Impressions…

I cared not about the box as I just wanted to get my grubby paws on the mod itself, and it was more pleasing than I had imagined; for some reason I thought it was going to be bigger and chunky but I was glad to see how compact it looked and felt in the hand.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod screen side

I also liked how much better it looks in real life compared to the photos, the finish is semi-matt which tones down the gold and red somewhat which adds to the appeal.

The Elephant(man) in the room….

Before I go any further it’s worth discussing the obvious Iron Man colours and the techy design, Iron Man was my first thoughts as soon as I saw it but there are no actual reference to the super hero. If you look at the other colours, then the reference is soon lost and it simply looks like a sci-fi futuristic design, I’m sure the designers choice to include the red and gold colour scheme had to be influenced by Iron Man though (and good on them for that).

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod iron man colour match

There are two other colour options available, perhaps more will come along with time. A white body and black skeleton would be my choice for this, the black looks nice but it doesn’t show off the design as good, each to their own though.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod colours

So ignoring the colours for now; the design of RX G is fascinating, they really have gone to town with the assembly method and overall attention to detail.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod all round

However you hold and look at it, there’s always some design feature that catches your eye and Wismec have dared to be different; for example the use of mirrored panels and adjustment buttons is like nothing I’ve seen before on a mod, then the fire button is just perfect for the shape, better still it feels right too and suits either finger or thumb firing.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod battery tube

The ‘exoskeleton’ outer frame is a piece of art in its own right, and the way it all assembles into shapes and angles of the body is so unique. The battery tube has had the same level of attention too, yes it lights up and it maybe too ‘flashy’ for some people (not me), but they have integrated an inset design into the tube which shades into an overall image (a gorilla on the black version), but they didn’t leave it there as it has an almost carbon look to the actual tube which still keeps the overall looks if you don’t choose to use the lighting effects.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod tube removed

You can remove the battery tube but I’m not sure why, perhaps it is so that you can buy different sleeve? But it does give you a glimpse of how it lights up through the tube with an LED built into the 510 connection.

Wot no 21700???

Even before getting hold of one I was already mystified why it only takes a single 18650, it seems all manufacturers are giving us 21700 options these days so I couldn’t help but feel Wismec stuffed up, well that was before I got it in my hand and felt how much smaller it was. Don’t ask me to explain it but I felt an 18650 suited the overall size, however; I would have preferred the option to take a 21700 for the sake of a few millimetres here and there. At the most it would be 5mm taller which is nothing, shoulda, coulda, woulda but I’m over it due to my chosen use for this mod (RDL/MTL).

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod 18650

The teeny-weeny (okay I’m not quite over it yet) 18650 battery is fitted via the push-clip battery door on the base and I found it easy to fit or remove the battery, the tension of the battery fitted held the door closed perfectly and it should stay firm in your bag/pocket.

Twisted Fire Starter

The controls of the RX G are a bit quirky, but I really like them, the fire button especially, the oversized mechanical lever presses the protruding fire button in the mod. There was little play in the lever and a surprisingly short travel which made it feel responsive.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod close ups

It has a nifty physical locking switch below it which simply slides up to prevent the fire lever pressing the micro-switch, simple but effective, and it solves what I’m sure would have been a pocket firing nightmare.

Losing Control

The adjustment buttons are a stroke of genius, and you wouldn’t even know they were there, they are hidden underneath a mirrored panel on the right hand side of the mod, gimmicky? Yes but it was surprisingly responsive and pressing the Up and Down together was one of the easiest I’ve tried, it is also out of the way to avoid accidental adjustments.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod more close ups

Navigating the RX G was pretty simple and mostly intuitive:

  • 5 x Fire = Turns device On/Off
  • 3 x Fire = Locks adjustment buttons
  • Press & Hold Up & Down = Enters menu (once in the menu; Up/Down buttons to navigate and Fire to confirm)

The menu options were a touch confusing at first as I didn’t know what the abbreviations stood for and had to resort to RTFM (Read The F**king Manual):

  • Mode:
    • AST – Dry hit protection
    • W - Wattage
    • V - Voltage
    • TCR – TC Mode (Has its own submenu)
  • AI - Yes/No option and auto-detects the best wattage for your coil (can still be adjusted)
  • COLOR – LED Colour options, also the option to turn them off
  • PUFF – Resets the puff counter
  • ID CHECK – Device ID/Serial No

The TCR sub-menu was nice and easy as you can set everything in one screen, during vaping you can change the temperature (in C or F), most of the menu made sense once I knew what AST and AI did, but there’s a handy card that explains these modes.


The screen itself has the same level of design that the mod has and it looks very sci-fi, but everything is easy to read with all the info required including the battery percentage (though the icon is tiny – just like the 18650 – I’m still not over it).

The brightness of the screen isn’t all that bright; it’s easy enough to see indoors but outdoors on a bright day it will be difficult.

Before I move on; the battery charging screen is rather cool, it shows the usual battery bar and percentage, but there’s an animation underneath of vapour flowing upwards, it’s a small thing but reflects the attention to detail.

Tommy Tank

In my haste to pounce on the Iron Man inspired colour I didn’t take into consideration what tank I was going to use on it, I knew it would have to be something that’s 18650 friendly and ideally a max of 60 watts. I did have a couple of gold tank but the shiny gold doesn’t suit the satin finish of the mod, a more muted gold such as the NexMesh worked but it would hammer the battery, the 23mm Steamcrave Glaz Mini looked okay as the Gunmetal matched the battery tube. I had lots of other tanks but I almost exclusively buy SS colour, I ended up settling on the Vandy Vape Berserker (24mm) on it but it doesn’t look right being silver.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod tank choices

Had I chosen either the black or the silver and green mod, the choice would have been easier, however the kit version comes with a matchy-matchy red and gold tank.

The thing is I really like this colour scheme so I am now on a quest to find a MTL 24mm tank for it and I think it’s worth the effort as this one will be in rotation for quite some time to come.

Lighten Up!

I’ve managed to get this far and barely mentioned the light effects, personally I love this feature and it has been implemented quite well without being too bright. The battery tube has a gradient pattern etched/printed into it which spreads the light according to the pattern.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod it's lit

The light has a breathing action which lights and dims with your vape time with the colour you choose, though my photography timing was a little out, the whole top section of the battery tube illuminates and fades down to the base.

But that’s not all; there are separate LEDs in the main chipset which illuminate the mirrored side panels and display ‘WISMEC’ on one side and ‘RX 8’ on the other which looks pretty cool to me.

This will obviously be a contentious issue for some, but if the LEDs don’t float your boat, then they can be completely turned off and the battery tube still looks good. I’m not one of those “LOOK AT MY VAPE” types and the LEDs can come across as a bit ‘flashy’, but I often go out on my own into the garden and vape, and it kept my little mind amused with the almost calming effect.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod montage


There’s not a great deal to talk about here as the RX G simply performs as it should, the fire response time is near instant, the AI mode does a pretty good job of selecting your wattage, and the new coil screen shows the suggested wattage range. Better still, it remembers your choice for the next time. I briefly tested the Voltage mode and it performs well and felt a little smoother on the power delivery. It claims it goes up to 8 Volts but I don’t have a suitable tank or build to test that out, TCR or Temp Control worked as it should on an SS316L build in the Berserker, I liked the all in one setup screen which makes it easy to do the basic configuration.

It goes up to 100 watts which is pushing it a bit far for my liking, for me a single 18650 is more suitable for sub 60 watts. Had it been a 21700 then perhaps the 100 watts may have been more of an option, but for high wattage vapers I don’t think a single cell mod is practical.

Battery life will depend on your choice of cell, but during the review period I left the LED lights on to see how much they affect battery life, obviously it will drain more power than off but it was hardly noticeable. An educated guess would be less than 5% if that, the screen uses up more power than LEDs, but it was the recharging that made up for any shortfalls as it was a proper 2 Amp fast charge and as mentioned earlier, the charging screen was superb, it rarely took over 45 minutes for a 2500mAh battery from 30% to 100%.

*the free Golisi S30 18650 3000mAh you get with this kit is an ideal choice.

But the bottom line was how much I enjoyed using this mod where all the factors come together. I had no issues at all with operating it. I loved how it felt in the hand and the fire button felt good, and being a fan of the design I often found myself admiring the details in between vapes.

The lack of a 21700 battery option never crossed my mind during use and I can say I’m now over it, but it will affect your tank choice and limit your options on lower ohm tanks/coils.

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod red heaven


You can probably tell by now just how much I like the RX G mod. Putting my personal tastes aside, there’s a whole lot to like about this mod whichever colour choice you go with. There’s no denying that the mod oozes style, but whether it’s to your taste will be down to you obviously.

Wismec’s designers have dared to be different and the result is a design classic and a work of art in my eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I’m sure I’m not alone in loving what they have done here and the Black version should satisfy those that don’t like the colour options.


  • Compact and ergonomic size
  • Lever and locking Fire Button
  • Innovative and stunning design
  • Physical Locking Switch
  • Discreet Adjustment Buttons
  • Pleasing Diffused Lighting Effects (Can be turned off)
  • Fast Charging (The charging screen is mesmerising)
  • Useful AI


  • Not 21700 compatible was a missed opportunity

I was close to no cons as 21700 wasn’t an issue for me, but I’m sure most people will think it is but other than that I can’t think of anything I would want to change.

Final Thoughts

I’m guessing that if you’ve got this far down the review that the RX G appeals to you, if you like what you see then I’m sure you will love how it looks and feels in real life.

I have always been a fan of art for art’s sake designs, and Wismec have come up with a stunner in my eyes. This one was a genuine pleasure to review and it will be used for a long time to come. I often have to force myself to stop buying a ‘spare’ but this is going to be tough.

Score: 9.5/10 – Daring to be different

Wismec REULEAUX RX G Mod Iron Man Forever

Si Davies avatar

Si Davies

Reviewer at POTV
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My background is Engineering and Professional Photography. Mostly from POTV users knowledge I learned so much about pretty much all styles of vaping and equipment, Cloud Chasing, Squonking, Mouth To Lung, Direct To Lung, Pods, Mechs, Rebuild-able tanks and atomisers etc, and have experience with many many devices and atomisers, it's become a hobby and enjoy trying out the latest gear. I like to think my reviews are plain speaking and informative without getting too technical, if I have to resort to reading the manual then I don't consider it user friendly!

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