Mod Reviews

Smok Guardian II E-Pipe

The Guardian II Epipe is Smok’s attempt to recreate the feeling of a traditional pipe for vapers. This is a variable wattage device that can be adjusted from 6W-15.0W and features a magnetic switch with a spring loaded conductive structure for stable performance.

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I love this device because it has a great feel to it and overall build quality is excellent. For short vape sessions I really do enjoy it and providing you have enough batteries to keep you going it can easily be used as an all day vape. Paired with the Nautilus Mini with the hollowed out sleeve it really does look gorgeous.

The major negative to this device is the lack of needed extras which can add substantially to the price if you don’t already own them. Compared to the Kamry K1000 which comes as a complete package the Guardian II is quite barebones and considerably more expensive but in my mind the finish of the device makes it a great luxury purchase if Epipes appeal to you.

The Guardian II Epipe is priced at £59.99 and is available to purchase from Smoke Purer who kindly provided this device to Planet of the Vapes for us to review.

Smoke Purer also sell the Guardian II as a complete package which allows you to choose a tank and batteries to go with it but of course that does increase the price as you would expect. Remember to use code “POTV” at Smoke Purer for 10% off your purchase!

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