Mod Reviews

Kamry K1000 E-Pipe

The K1000 is a mechanical mod which means it has no safety features but it has been designed to look and like a traditional pipe.

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Kamry K1000 E-Pipe

Introducing the Kamry K100 electronic pipe. The K1000 is a mechanical mod which means it has no safety features but it has been designed to look and like a traditional pipe.

At one time back in the days when I actually smoked I did actually try a real pipe. I have to say I did actually enjoy it but my only problem was when it came to cleaning it because half the time I simply couldn’t be bothered.

Of course now like everyone else on this site I vape and I’ve gone three years without a cigarette, cigar or pipe. Now let me state I don’t miss smoking at all or its associated unpleasantness but every now and then I do kind get a bit of nostalgia. Don’t worry I have no intention of smoking ever again but in between all the RDA’s and massive airflow Sub-Ohm tanks that I use I have started to feel the need for a more modest vaping experience from time to time. I suppose I just wanted something different to use on occasion and maybe secretly in the back of my mind I wanted to be like Gandalf or Sherlock Holmes and this is what got me into E-Pipes.

Do please note that if you want masses of vapour and high wattage then this kind of thing really isn’t for you. For people who might just want something unique or for people who actually smoke a pipe at present and are looking to get into vaping then this product may appeal.

Kamry K1000 Features

  • Mechanical Mod with no safety features.
  • Length: 156mm.
  • Weight: 115g.
  • Operating Voltage: 3.7V.
  • Requires 1x 18350 battery.
  • Avaiable in seven different colours.
  • Solid steel construction.
  • 510 connection.
  • K1000 tank.
  • Colour matched elongated pipe drip tip.

What’s in the box?

  • Kamry K1000 E-Pipe.
  • Kamry K1000 Pipe stem/mouthpiece
  • Kamry K1000 tank.
  • 2x 900mAh 18350 batteries.
  • EU battery charger and UK adapter.
  • English manual.
  • Carrying case.

Everything comes nicely presented in a zip up carrying case. For the price you do actually get quite a lot including a basic tank that does take its own replaceable coils. I do have to state that the included batteries work fine but are nowhere near as good as the ones you might typically buy. Personally I see them more as an added extra that you may or may not make use of. I did make one use of the charger to see if it worked and I didn’t have any issues with it.  However it is very basic and ideally in the long term I feel it would probably be better to use a better one.

Kamry K1000 styling and build quality

I received the silver coloured K1000 for review and I have to say in terms of looks it is a very nice device. The main bowl which houses the 18350 battery is of a comfortable size to use in the hand and it is shaped very much like a traditional pipe. The K1000 feels quite durable but at the same time it is quite lightweight.

To get into the battery compartment you have to turn the lid on the pipe bowl anti-clockwise. If you try to do it with too much force like I initially did then you’ll just get very frustrated. Although in my defence the lid on mine was very tight when I first received it. In actual fact a light touch works much better and as long as you don’t overtighten it after fitting the battery then you shouldn’t have problems.

The switch is located in the centre of the removable lid but do keep in mind this device has no locking mechanism and has the potential to fire if you are not careful. The switch itself is quite lightweight but it does have a nice feel to it.

The included tank isn’t the most exciting addition because in many respects it’s like a cross between a Genesis atomizer and an old Vivi Nova. It does feature replaceable coils that use silica wick and I’ll be completely honest it really isn’t something I would typically use. I suppose if you are someone who is new to vaping and currently only using the most entry level tanks then it might suit you very well. The way I see it is that the tank is just an extra as part of the overall package since you don’t have to use it and can instead use any 510 atomizer you wish with the K1000.

To actually fit a 510 atomizer you do have to unscrew the collar by a small amount but this depends on how long the 510 pin is on your particular tank. I used my Kayfun Light Plus and had no problems with it fitting.

I was initially quite concerned that this device had no form of battery venting but I did later notice that there are in fact two small holes at the base of the adapter collar near the main bowl itself.

The included pipe stem is roughly two inches long and it features double O-rings for a secure fit. In the majority of cases it did fit very well with the various tanks I tried but I did find a couple that weren’t so good which led to the pipe stem being a little loose. The pipe stem was without issues when fitted to my Kayfun or the included tank.

Safety first

It is very important that you take notice of the fact that the Kamry K1000 is a mechanical mod. It has no safety features and no looking ring. This device requires a responsible user and you really need to know Ohms Law before you start using any mechanical mod.

If you are planning to get a device like this and you haven’t educated yourself regarding Ohms Law then you are putting yourself at risk. So read everything you can before buying one, stay safe.

If you also plan to use any rebuildable tank with this device then you will need an Ohms Meter to ensure you are building safely. If you have any problems or questions or if you’re not sure this kind of device is right for you then you can find lots of useful information to read and many people who will be willing to help you out on this very site.

Ease of use

Using the Kamry is simplicity itself since all it has is one switch that you depress to fire the device. Keep in mind that you really don’t want to be putting Sub-Ohm builds in any tank you use on this device since it only uses a single 18350 battery. Also it goes without saying that you definitely shouldn’t be attaching Sub-Ohm tanks to it. I know that sounds daft but believe me there are some people out there would try it.

With this device you really only want to use a tank that uses a single coil and make sure the resistance is of a typical level such as 1.0 Ohm and above.

How does the Kamry K1000 vape?

Firstly I did not choose to use the included tank which actually might be satisfactory to some but to be quite honest was never going to be right for me. Like I said I see it as an optional extra since it’s the e-pipe itself you are paying for.

I set up my Kayfun with a 1.3 Ohm coil and after filling it up with Manabush Powwow Sauce I attached it to the device.

I poured myself a glass of beer and settled into my favourite armchair and now with e-pipe in hand like some new age Bilbo Baggins I had a vape and it was a very pleasant one.

A typical battery coming fresh off the charger will be at 3.7 Volts and with a 1.3 Ohm build that means initially I will be getting 10 Watts of power. To be fair this isn’t bad at all and when I run my Kayfun on my other devices I don’t typically push more than 12 Watts at the most.

With the pipe stem the vapour has further to travel so is cooler by the time it reaches your mouth but because you are continually drawing on it you can puff away just like a pipe smoker.

Like I said you won’t ever get tons of vapour with this kind of device but what you do get is a really nice and relaxing vape. The reason it is enjoyable for me is probably due to placebo effect, it feels like a real pipe so in many ways it tricks the brain into thinking this is very much like a traditional experience.

For some people it won’t be enough but for others especially people who have just quit smoking it may be ideal. I think that when you have a suitable tobacco e-liquid in a tank and when you vape it in this particular way it has a very soothing feeling.

Sadly there is one downside to this enjoyment and that is of course battery life. An 18350 battery does not last that long and you will definitely need to have spares if you want to use the K1000 all day long. Like I said the device does include two batteries but they aren’t that great. How fast your battery drains will depend on what resistance coil you use in your tank and how often you vape. If you chain vape then you will be changing the battery often but if you were to only use this a few times of day or on an evening then you should get a reasonable amount of vape time. The one plus side of this is that 18350 batteries are quite cheap and don’t take too long to recharge.


For someone who wants something different to all the other devices out there then the K1000 may suit you nicely. For pipe fans or traditionalists this e-pipe offers a relatively hassle free vape provided you clue yourself in to mechanical mod safety.

The Kamry K1000 is priced at £29.99 and is available at Smoke Purer who very kindly provided one for us to review.

If you were to use the included tank the replacement coils for it are actually quite cheap costing £3.99 for a pack of five.

Remember Planet of the Vapes members can use the discount code, "POTV" for 10% off your purchase at Smoke Purer.

I really enjoyed using this device and to be honest I think even Gandalf would approve.

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Reviewer at POTV
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