Mod Reviews

Koopor Plus

The Koopor Plus is shaping up to be the unit that really gets the Koopor brand name out there, so lets have a look at how it performs!

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Introduction to the Koopor Plus

Koopor’s first release was the Koopor Mini, a tiny 60w box mod manufactured from solid stainless steel and also having temperature control functionality. The Koopor Mini was a great little unit that has sold extremely well due to its great performance, small form factor and excellent price. Koopor have now followed up on this with the Koopor Plus - pretty much a Koopor Mini on steroids!

Looks-wise the Koopor Plus looks exactly like a Koopor Mini, just double the size. It sports the same design and is manufactured from solid stainless steel and zinc alloy and has the same excellent battery door - yet the chip is a whole different beast! You’ll get a massive 200W out of this monster, as well as temperature control functionality, dual 18650 batteries for longer battery life, and it’s also available in four different eye catching finishes - passion red, night black, stainless steel and matt white. Koopor have also developed their own Dual Driver system that works to buck and boost voltage and ensures a consistent vape, as well as integrated High-Frequency Dynamic Monitoring Resistance Technology to make for one of the most accurate temperature control experiences available to date.

The Koopor Plus is shaping up to be the unit that really gets the Koopor brand name out there, so lets have a look at how it performs!


  • Output Wattage - 6-200W
  • Output Voltage - 0.35 to 8.00V
  • Temperature Control range - 200 to 600 Degrees Fahrenheit, 100 to 315 Degrees Celsius
  • Temperature control compatible with - Ni200, Titanium, and Stainless Steel
  • Resistance range - 0.10 to 3.00 ohms (Wattage Mode), 0.08 to 3.00 ohms (Temperature Control Mode)
  • Dual Driver System - proprietary buck and boost system which improves accuracy and rate of regulation, enhancing consistency and taste on every puff
  • Intelligent atomizer recognition
  • Puff monitoring system
  • Overheating, short circuit, and low battery protection
  • High Frequency Dynamic Monitoring Resistance Technology which detects resistance of your atomizer once every 250 microseconds, at a rate of 4000 times per second, regulating the temperature in TC mode more efficiently
  • Large OLED screen
  • Battery life indicator
  • Resistance indicator
  • Output indicator
  • Output mode indicator
  • Requires two high amp 18650 batteries
  • Chassis Designed with Optimal Heat Ventilation
  • Sliding Magnetized Battery Door
  • Stainless Steel and Zinc Alloy Construction
  • Dimensions- 100mm x 59mm x 24.5mm

What's in the box

Packaged very nicely in a presentation box featuring the Koopor branding, inside the box you will find:

1x Koopor Plus 200w unit

1x Silicone Sleeve

1x Instruction Manual

1x Micro USB Cable

The Micro USB cable is for upgrading the firmware of the Koopor Plus only, and as the Koopor Plus requires two 18650 batteries which are in a series configuration inside the unit you should never attempt to charge the Koopor Plus via micro USB. Koopor have even included a warning on the base of the unit underneath the micro USB port to reiterate this!

Koopor Plus Styling

For the purposes of this review, I received the Stainless Steel finish version, and what a lovely looking little unit it is. You also have passion red, night black and matt white available. It’s crafted from Stainless Steel and zinc alloy, with smooth lines and rounded edges, however I would use the included silicon sleeve if you are worried about scratches, as this unit is a bit of a scratch magnet! Buttons are also crafted from the same material, and operate with a satisfying click, and no button rattle has been experienced. The OLED screen in the middle of the buttons is of a decent size, and shows information such as your power level, battery life, resistance and what power boost setting you have selected. Overall the Koopor Plus is however a little on the weighty side, and feels quite hefty in your hand, even with no batteries inserted and no atomiser present!

The Koopor Plus features a slide off magnetic battery door cover, which is one of the most functional I have ever experienced. It just slides on and off with no fuss at all, and strong magnets help keep the heavy battery door in place. The battery sled inside takes two 18650 batteries in a series configuration, and you’d be well advised to make sure you use the battery ribbon inside, as the springs do ensure your batteries fit snugly inside. You’ll notice there’s a huge amount of vent holes on the side of the unit, as well as at the bottom, this also helps to keep you batteries cool as well. You can tell Koopor take safety seriously.

At the base of the unit you will see a micro USB slot for upgrading the firmware only, with a warning message saying ‘Not in charging, upgrade only!’. You should never use this port for charging, only for upgrading the firmware! At the top of the unit the Koopor Plus features a self adjusting 510 connector, with lovely smooth threading. At 24.5mm width it’s a great fit for the Smok TFV4, as that is the same with, and the new Smok TFV4 Mini also complements the Koopor Plus very well indeed!

Koopor Plus Menu System

The Koopor Plus menu system is accessed with three clicks of the power button, whether the device is locked or unlocked. Selecting options is done via highlighting which option you wish to adjust, by pressing any of the three buttons, and leaving it on screen for a couple of seconds. It’s by no means the quickest menu system around!

The first option you will see is the option to switch between wattage mode, temperature control mode and memory mode. Wattage mode and temperature control mode are pretty self explanatory, memory mode allows you to set preset power settings for access later, however due to the sluggish menu system I’ve found it easier to just adjust everything through the home screen. You can adjust these options simply by holding power and up when in the home screen.

The second menu option is a puff counter, which totals how many puffs you have taken over time (1561 at the time of writing this review in case you are interested...), and it also allows you to set a puff limit as well, once reached this will prevent you from taking any more puffs with the Koopor Plus unless you raise the limit or change it to ‘never’.

Option three is the settings menu, which contains even more features. Option one within this is stealth mode, which dims the screen - this can also be set when the unit is locked by holding power and up to turn it on, and power and down to turn it off. Option two allows you to set the contrast of your screen, option three will rotate the screen, option four allows you to adjust the ohms base reading, option 5 will exit this sub menu. There’s one thing to mention too, if you rotate the screen the up button will switch to decreasing wattage, and vice versa!

Option 4 and 5 switch off the Koopor Plus unit completely and exit the menu system respectively. You also have the ability to select a power boost setting via holding down power and up from the home screen - you have minimum which decreases the selected power for around 2 seconds and builds up, normal which outputs normal power, hard which boosts the power for around 2 seconds and also max which provides a huge initial boost of power to your coils for around 2 seconds, making any build ramp up almost instantaneously, which is ideal if you have coils such as thick claptons that take a while to ramp up.

Well, that has certainly got to be one of the most in depth menus I’ve come across with any unit!

Temperature Control

Temperature Control with the Koopor Plus supports Ni200, Titanium and also Stainless Steel right out of the box, with the Koopor Plus automatically detecting what type of coil is used. You’ll need to ensure mod and atty are at room temperature, screw your atomiser in then hit the power button. The Koopor Plus will then prompt you to select whether this is a new coil or not, then set your temperature limit, after this you are ready to go in Temperature Control.

Resistance in TC mode is read right down to 0.08ohm, which means less wraps with an Ni200 build and thus a quicker ramp up time for your build. Temperature can be set from 200-600F / 100-315C, the higher end of the temperature limit scale making all the difference when using Titanium or Stainless Steel coils. I’ve noticed that resistance is also read very accurately, thanks to the High Frequency Dynamic Monitoring Resistance technology, which detects resistance of your atomizer once every 250 microseconds, at a rate of 4000 times per second, regulating the temperature in TC mode more efficiently and providing a really consistent vape.

Ni200 and Titanium work fantastically well in TC mode, just as well as they do with any other unit that supports those coils, however I have found Stainless Steel to be a little hit and miss. The vape does seem to vary from cold to warm even without adjusting the settings, so hopefully it will perform a little better with a future firmware update.


If this unit was solely a 200w box I’d still buy it, the Koopor Plus is an absolute monster of a unit, and being able to fire atomisers with a build as low as 0.1ohm in wattage mode mean that this unit can support anything! You can run any sub ohm tank on it, and if your a cloud chaser that loves your own super low ohm builds then this mod is for you.

The Dual Driver system that offers buck and boost voltage means the Koopor Plus performs consistently well and also you get really accurate performance from the chip. The High Frequency Dynamic Monitoring Resistance technology means you get very smooth and accurate performance from the chip when in TC mode too. I can have no complaints about the way the chip performs at all.

Battery life is excellent from the two 18650 batteries, using the Koopor Plus at 30w and under means you get around two days use from it, at 50w with the Smok TFV4 Mini with 0.35ohm Clapton Coil heads I can get a full days vaping. When I want to go even higher, I can still get battery life from this unit on par with most other high power 200w mods available.

The four power boost options just add that little bit extra to the Koopor Plus and really allow you to tailor your vape to your own preference! I’d really recommend utilizing these and having a play with the different settings, as they can really switch up your vaping experience and offer you something a little different with each one.


The Koopor Plus can lay claim to being one of the most feature rich units available to date. Koopor have covered all bases with this release, and the fact that it is firmware upgradeable means that more and more features and refinements are sure to be added in future.

The addition of support for Stainless Steel coils in temperature control, although not perfect, is something that not many other manufacturers offer at present, and TI and Ni200 coils work very well indeed in TC. 200w is a massive amount of power for any unit to sport and is far more than most people will need, and also means the Koopor Plus can fire pretty much anything out there.

Finish wise, the build quality of this unit is absolutely fantastic, the finish is fantastic all in all and I consider it to be a really nice looking mod. Dual 18650 units are rarely ever small, and the Koopor Plus is no exception here!

The Koopor Plus is also shaping up to be available in the £50 bracket, which is a fantastic price for a mod that really does have it all. I’m predicting the Koopor Plus is going to make real waves within the market, as a mod this feature packed at the price it’s potentially going to be sold for is a real bargain!

Dan Willis avatar

Dan Willis

Reviewer at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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