E-Liquid Reviews

El Toro Eliquids

It is an undeniable fact that us UK based Vapers are spoilt by having some truly amazing Liquid Manufacturers in this country and I am delighted to reintroduce you to Concept Liquid and their newest addition "Absolute Toro”. 

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It is an undeniable fact that us UK based Vapers are spoilt by having some truly amazing Liquid Manufacturers in this country and I am delighted to reintroduce you to Concept Liquid and their newest addition "Absolute Toro”. 

Without going into all the minutae, I will just say that if you enjoyed the “original” House of Liquid range of “El Toro” N.E.T. liquids, the good news is that Georgio and his Team are back and producing their finest again. “Absolute Toro” is best described as a re branding, bringing us many of the old favourites and introducing us to some new ideas at the same time.

From the outset, I need to offer a massive vote of thanks to both, DW1986 and VAPEMASTER, both of whom reviewed House of Liquid products back in 2015 and whose original reviews I have plundered heavily as they covered the detail in such a way that made it far easier for me to quote their original reviews whilst adding my own thoughts and feelings about the re branded wares on offer to us now, so once again Gentlemen, I thank you for you support.

Carol and I were long term Customers of HoL and after a period away from these remarkable liquids, it has been a great joy to rediscover them and become as hopelessly hooked again as we once were. So, enough  rambling from me, let’s get into the full review of “Absolute Toro” El Toro Range.  There will be a separate review of their new El Toro N.E.T. Bases coming very soon.

Introduction to Absolute Toro

House of Liquid was an award-winning manufacturer of ‘premium’ eliquid and their El Toro tobacco range was widely regarded as the best pure tobacco liquid you could buy, and had become hugely popular since they were first launched, garnering a large hardcore following amongst tobacco enthusiasts. House of Liquid used a natural extraction process in order to obtain the flavour for their juices, along with the purest VG, PG and nicotine, which resulted in one of the most realistic vaping experiences around.

Now re branded as "Absolute Toro" The El Toro range comprises exquisite tobacco flavours sourced from Cuba and around the world, extracted organically using a traditional ‘cold’ steeping method, claimed to be the most gentle and natural way to extract the flavour and aroma from the tobacco leaves, followed by a two stage, 5 Micron, filtering process before finally being blended in-house.  Each eLiquid "Absolute Toro" produce is rigorously tested and sampled by the vaping community before going on sale, and the feedback they get from the vaping community for their work is nothing short of phenomenal.

Their eLiquid is manufactured by Concept Liquid and sold through the “Absolute Toro" brand. “Absolute Toro" are committed to only using Natural Certified Organic to enhance their liquids, they work towards ensuring that all tobaccos used for their steeping process are naturally cultivated and pesticide free, and they stand against any form of child labour in the cultivation and production of the tobaccos they use.

All of the selection of juices from the El Toro range was provided in 3mg nicotine, with a 50/50 PG/VG mix ratio. You can purchase these liquids from www.absolutetoro.com in nicotine strengths of 0mg, 5mg, 10mg, 15mg and 19mg . They are all ready to vape on arrival and no extra steeping is required.

El Toro Cigarillos Naturales

The first authentic and original El Toro. Possibly the No1 tobacco liquid worldwide, it has naturally become the milestone for all tobacco liquids to be compared against. Cigarillos is made with selected Cuban tobacco leaves of superb quality and aroma, blended in house. The variety is distinctive for its earthy and nutty undertones. It requires approximately 30 days from start to finish and it is filtered to 5 Micron. Once complete it offers significant throat hit but it is mostly praised for its amazing satisfaction.

The original El Toro juice. We both have a bit of history with Cigarillos Naturales, this was Carol's first introduction quite a while back now into tobacco vapes after previously resisting them, and we have become converts purely thanks to the quality of El Toro Cigarillos. For us, it is reminiscent of Café Crème cigars, which Carol was very fond of treating herself to when I was a smoker. For a newcomer to the El Toro range, or even for a newcomer to tobacco vapes, this is the juice we would be recommending you try first.  Here is what Reviewer dw1986 originally had to say when he first reviewed this blend in 2015.

"El Toro Cigarllos Naturales offers a really smooth tobacco experience, and as per the description the earthy and nutty undertones are present thoughout. In terms of the smoothness, it really is exceptionally smooth for a tobacco vape on both the inhale and exhale, and the tobacco flavour is never overpowering. I almost get a vanilla undertone on the inhale but this may just be the smoothness of the vape. Throat hit is strong, as per a real cigarillo, but for me this isn’t as strong as most of the others in the El Toro range, it’s something you will adapt to quite quickly, and ex-cigar/pipe smokers would take this in their stride. If you are looking to replicate the taste of a real cigarillo, then this is the liquid you want to be choosing. It’s a hell of an achievement, and a standard bearer for tobacco vapes within the industry."

All we can add to Dan’s magnificent description is that this was Carol’s All Day Vape for approximately 2.5 years. She started exploring other flavours and moved on. Upon receiving the latest samples she was straight into the parcel and removing all “Cigarillos” before I could spirit a bottle away. I trust her tastebuds and she immediately reported that it was an absolute delight to be reacquainted with her favourite Tobacco vape of all time.

Again, I am using Dan’s review of “Puros” as upon re reading his thoughts and experiences, I really do feel that anything I say may well be academic. 

El Toro Puros

Natural, raw and strong to the extreme. If you are looking for the original Cuban cigar taste this is the real deal. Natural essence of Cuban tobacco leaves carefully selected and destined to become the core of the cigar that produces the distinctive taste and aromas of the Puros. Great vapour production and a vicious throat kick just like the real thing. Suitable only for those few remaining cigar lovers.

Puros is a very authentic replication of a real Cuban cigar taste. Sniffing the bottle once opened is almost like running your nose along a cigar. In terms of taste, it’s very woody and nutty, hitting the back of your throat hard on the inhale and lingering on your tongue on the exhale. It’s cracking stuff. It also kicks out the biggest clouds out of any of the juices in the El Toro range in my opinion, possibly the biggest clouds I have experienced for a 50/50 juice. HOL claim that this is the closest you will get to a real Cuban cigar, in my opinion it gets very close to the real taste. Throat hit is very strong with Puros, as per what you would expect from a true Cuban cigar, it really does give you one hell of a kick, tread carefully if you are a beginner to raw tobacco vapes!

Puros is the ADV of many a tobacco lover, personally for me I am and always have been a huge fan of Puros.

OK, so safe to say that Dan liked this one then. “Puros” was one of the 3 blends that formed my All Day Vapes, the others being “Eden” and latterly “Minotor”. Returning to it after an all too long absence has been a real joy to me and like Carol and her beloved “Cigarillos”. I have been questioning whatever possessed me to move away from it, it really is very intoxicating and addictive……….. Be warned!  Dan is absolutely correct, it packs a real wallop when it comes to Throat Hit and could be something one needs to take slowly and gently when first trying it out. I could become addicted all too easily, but knowing what other treats lie in store from the “Absolute Toro” range, I shall refrain from complete absorption ... For Now!

El Toro Puros Dark

Made using the same authentic Havana blend tobaccos as the original Puros. Added a splash of organic chocolate, coffee, and our full mastery.

Following the tradition of El Toro, “ Absolute Toro" have created another authentic liquid tobacco. Make no mistake, the Puros Dark is a pure tobacco liquid with the chocolate and coffee tones simply enhancing the dryness of the raw tobacco. As you open it a gentle and very pleasant authentic tobacco aroma will drive your thoughts to dry tobacco leaves and old fashioned tobacconists. It is pure and raw, with bags of character and can be used all day and night. Its dryness make it the perfect companion for food, alcohol and fine coffees.

Puros Dark is a superb tobacco liquid that just like the rest of its El Toro siblings is very close to the real experience and highly sophisticated taste far apart from the overpowering fully synthetic, flavouring made liquids on the market.

This is El Toro Puros with coffee and chocolate thrown into the mix. It tastes very similar to Puros, the signature Puros tobacco flavour is instantly recognizable. The coffee and chocolate as per any liquid “Absolute Toro" produce have been replicated to perfection, and are easily identifiable on both the inhale and exhale along with a very subtle sweetness enhancing the experience. The coffee is almost a nutty coffee, and the chocolate is sweet however as mentioned that sweetness is very subtle. Throat hit and vapour production are both on par with the original Puros, however it’s a little more of a heavier vape than Puros for me and that would be down to the addition of the coffee and chocolate.

Dan yet again, tells it exactly as it is. “Puros Dark” has a following of which many other blending houses would be envious. Ironically then, on a personal level, I actually prefer the original “Puros” as I find it behaves in a rather kinder way on the coils. “Puros Dark” is a liquid which will require you to re coil on a very regular basis. In fact, if using an RTA…… as I was during testing ………. Think about being prepared to re coil after 2 Tankfuls !!

That aside, it really is an exceptional vape, maybe not an All Day Vape as it is a pretty heady mixture, but if relaxing on an evening, right up there with the best.

El Toro Eden

Have you ever dreamt of an exotic tobacco with exquisite aromas of natural apples? The El Toro Eden is moving the boundaries of tobacco/fruit to a different level. Pure Cuban tobaccos blended with organic apple for an unparalleled freshness, and a hint of spiced undertone. Strong and simply extraordinary.

I have to state that I totally love this e-liquid. I first tried it at the Harrogate Expo and while it was incredibly pleasant in a tank it doesn't compare to how amazing it tastes in a dripper, or for the adventurous on Mesh. Eden is a expertly blended combination of El Toro's Cigarillos with a delicious natural apple. On the initial inhale you get a very smooth taste of Cuban tobacco with it's trademark nutty undertones but on the exhale you get this exquisite taste of fresh apple. The apple is so crisp tasting you could be almost fooled into believing you are eating one. As stated in the description there is a slight hint of mild spice in there but it is is very subtle and only serves to enhance a already outstanding e-liquid.

This time we need to thank Vapemaster for his insight on this wonderful Liquid.

But now for my two pennyworth.  Eden was THE liquid for me. I adored it back in 2014 when I first tried it and stayed with it for a long while. There isn’t a great deal that needs to be added to the above review apart from reinforcing the comments about the Apple.  When I was growing up on the family farm, there was an Apple Orchard, every year we would gather the apples and then store them in a shed on specially designed Apple Racks. The glorious aroma was something which has stayed with me for some 50 years. Opening a bottle of “Eden” and having a gentle sniff, transports me straight back to the Apple Shed, it really is that good. The flavours in “Eden combine in a magical way and it is a blend of which I could never tire. Over the subsequent years I have tried numerous other houses Tobacco and Apple blends, but no one has ever captured the experience as well.  As a footnote, if vaping this in the Car, the beautiful aroma of Apple will greet you when you return the next day. There you go Georgio, will we see an “Eden” Car Air Freshener I wonder?

El Toro Minotor

Once again, I am quoting Vapemaster from the original review he published back in 2015. This is because he has captured the essence of this liquid perfectly to my mind and I would feel foolish trying to improve upon his words.

From the Absolute Toro website...

Exquisite extracts of Vanilla, cinnamon, and spices blended to perfection with strong Cuban tobacco. A masterpiece of balance and taste for vanilla and tobacco lovers alike that many describe as an extraordinary pipe liquid. 

It is a very dry tobacco and truly natural tasting. 

The unusual thing about this flavour is that there is some sort of fruity notes in the mix and it is also complimented with spices. While it is apparently based on the base flavour of Cigarillo's it is altogether different. Despite having the smoothness in the initial inhale, it is a full on tobacco with the dryness you would expect, a very raw taste boosted with a fruity, spicy flavour.

This one is powerful with a strong throat hit. It is not at all unpleasant, quite the contary and I feel if you vape it and shut your eyes you'd find it difficult to distinguish from a real luxury brand of cigarette or a cigar. However this is of course a quality e-liquid without any smoking related nastiness.

When Minotor first appeared, I was very intrigued. There had been a previous version available named “Minotaur” which was an incredibly strong and complex liquid, Blood Red in colour, like a glass of Bulls Blood Wine. The newer version had calmed things down very dramatically and to my mind, was greatly improved in so doing. This very quickly became a “must have” in my rotation and whilst never a huge fan of cinnamon per se, remained a staple of my rotation for ages.

Revisiting it has been another joy. I had been concerned that my tastes may have changed significantly but I had nothing to fear!! Another Master Piece by Georgio and his Team and one I shall always keep to hand.

In Conclusion

So there we have it.  We have both enjoyed reacquainting ourselves with the astonishing Blends. One can easily realise why the originals, when marketed under The "House of Liquid" banner were so universally well received and won plaudits from all whom used them. One thing that has to be mentioned is the mouth experience the user will get. These flavours really do stay with you after the exhale, to the extent that we both found we took fewer toots when using “Absolute Toro”. This isn’t by any means a negative, quite the opposite, the exquisite tastes remain for your continued enjoyment and appreciation long after you exhale. Similar to the sensation I had when smoking a Pipe or enjoying a quality Cigar back when I indulged.

I can only offer my highest recommendation for the El Toro Range and hope that this review has been of use, particularly for those who have yet to experience this incredible Brand. You can check out the range, and their new N.E.T. bases (review coming soon!), here http://absolutetoro.com/.

Dave Junglist avatar

Dave Junglist

Reviewer at POTV
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Dave Junglist is co-owner of Planet of the Vapes and has been vaping since 2015.  He spent his early years with his head in a bass bin and was a very committed and experienced smoker.  He had his first cigarette at the age of 13 and just knew it was for him.  He did stop briefly with the aid of patches but reverted quickly and became a ‘secret’ smoker, working hard to keep his weak will from the attention of his family.  Vaping made an honest man of him and for this he is forever thankful. He has been involved in websites since completing a degree in Environmental Science in the late nineties.  At that time there was pretty much no contact with computers but on joining the regular workforce and deciding that the world-wide-web was the future he blagged his first job as a web designer and never looked back. As you would expect from a junglist, Dave likes his beats and is most comfortable when the bass is wobbly.

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