RDA Reviews

Wismec Indestructible RDA

The Indestructible RDA designed by Jaybo in collaboration with Wismec is a low profile 22mm dripper that caters perfectly to whatever build you have in mind. It features both traditional airflow style slots in the top cap as well as additional adjustable top airflow. With a reasonably deep well and plenty of building and airflow options this looks to be a very appealing little RDA.

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Wismec Indestructible RDA

The Indestructible RDA designed by Jaybo in collaboration with Wismec is a low profile 22mm dripper that caters perfectly to whatever build you have in mind. It features both traditional airflow style slots in the top cap as well as additional adjustable top airflow. With a reasonably deep well and plenty of building and airflow options this looks to be a very appealing little RDA.

Indestructible RDA features

  • 22mm diameter
  • 36mm Height
  • 303 Stainless Steel Construction
  • All Metal Body for Maximum Durability
  • Innovative Airflow Washer
  • Unique Build Deck Provides Total Freedom
  • Conical Top Cap Using Vortex Flow Technology
  • Specifically Designed Base
  • Single and Dual Coil Build Options

What’s in the box?

  • 1x Indestructible RDA
  • 2x Philips Screws
  • 2x Hex Screws
  • 3x O-Rings

I have only one small gripe with the contents and that is the lack of an Allen Key. To be fair anyone who does a lot of rebuilding like myself will more than likely have one but in terms of completeness I feel that Wismec should have included one.

Styling and Build Quality

The most striking thing about this RDA is its size. In actual height (36mm) it is not that much larger than a Derringer, Mini Freakshow or REMentry so is absolutely ideal for anyone who prefers compact drippers! The entire RDA is constructed from 303 Stainless Steel for maximum durability. Everything is extremely well machined and the parts fit together perfectly.

The 510 pin is gold plated but is non-adjustable but to be fair this dripper fitted flush on all of my mods. The Indestructible RDA is a five piece design featuring a base, sleeve, airflow base as well as an airflow adjustment washer and a combined drip tip/top cap.

The drip tip itself is nicely designed and feels comfortable but since it is incorporated into the top cap it means you can’t use your own drip tips. The drip/top cap also features spaced heat sinks which are designed to keep the heat away from your mouth when using this RDA at high wattage.

The deck is very unique and does not use traditional post holes. Instead the negative posts use a clamp style design featuring seriously large Philips head screws and the dual positive post features a very large horizontal slot which is designed to be ideal for Clapton builds and perfectly centred micro coils. The positive post does not use Philips screws but instead features two Hex screws.

The Indestructible features two juice wells which are reasonably deep but it is important to note they are also actually quite wide and they do curve around the perimeter of the RDA allowing you more space for cotton.

Ease of build

With this design any build is possible because there is tons of space in there for whatever size of wire you choose to use. To a degree it is something of a bind having to switch from a Philips screwdriver to an Allen Key but considering you won’t be rebuilding that often it isn’t a big deal. I suppose if you don’t have a lot of experience rebuilding then this RDA might be a bit harder than one that has dedicated post holes but to be honest it really is very easy to slot the wire in and tighten it up. The included screws are excellent and I had no issues with them cutting the wire. The wider juice wells also really do help when it comes to packing your cotton in there.


The main barrel of the RDA features vertical airflow slots and you can set up the airflow for single or dual coil builds. Sadly this airflow is non-adjustable so what you see is what you get! In addition the top cap features two sets of four holes that can be adjusted should you feel the need to make use of top airflow. These holes can be fully opened up or closed down and offer a great deal of options. You can either have four holes open on each side, three, two or one. It is important to note that these optional configurations are achieved by adjusting a washer that sits directly under the screw on drip tip so you can’t quickly adjust it. Assuming you don’t want to make use of the top airflow it can be fully closed down. Strangely the manufacturer offers a single coil option for the main barrel but not for the top airflow so if you plan to use a single coil build it wouldn’t be a good idea to have the top airflow open.

My build

Considering the amount of space in this RDA I decided to make a single Clapton Coil using pre-made 26AWG Clapton wire. This build had a final resistance of 0.7ohm and I wicked it with Japanese Cotton. My second build to try out this RDA in dual coil mode was two identical Clapton Coils using exactly the same wire with my final resistance being 0.4ohm. Once again for this build I used Japanese Cotton. I found building this RDA to be very straightforward because there is so much room in there and the innovative post design is very helpful especially when using Clapton wire.

How does it vape?

I firstly tried my single Clapton Coil build and I primed the cotton and filled up the wells with The Collective Seven No.3 (Designed by Manabush). This juice is an amazing raspberry, Amaretto and tobacco flavour. Considering I was using a single coil I made sure I had set up the sleeve correctly and fully closed down the top airflow. I vaped this coil at 45-60W and I have to say the flavour was extremely good considering how airy this RDA is. It isn’t wow flavour like you would get with a dedicated flavour chaser like the Derringer or Snapdragon but it is very satisfying and I think most people will certainly enjoy it. The cloud production is truly excellent even in single coil configuration and I think you will be really surprised how quickly this compact little RDA fogs up your room!

The draw is really nice despite the fact that the sleeve airflow is non-adjustable. However I did find that the steel drip tip heats up really quickly and the heat sinks really don’t do their job very effectively. In many ways I found myself wishing that this RDA came with a Delrin drip tip. Of course it does depend entirely what build you are putting in this dripper and what wattage you vape it at but I did feel with my build it was somewhat on the hot side. However it was more than acceptable taking short draws on it as long as I remembered not to chain vape.

I then moved on to trying out a dual coil build so I adjusted the sleeve and once again I continued to use No.3 E-Liquid. In dual coil mode flavour was even better as you might expect and vapour production was positively nuts! Opening up the top airflow yields yet more vapour but I did find fully opened up the top airflow did diminish flavour somewhat. Personally in dual coil mode two upper air holes open seemed perfectly adequate to me and helped to increase vapour without overly reducing flavour. Of course if you don’t care about flavour at all then feel free to run this RDA entirely wide open but be prepared to quickly find yourself lost in all the fog!

One advantage of having the upper airflow open meant that the drip tip stayed a little cooler. I felt that single coil and dual coil both offered a very enjoyable vape but I did think it was something of a shame that the top airflow does not cater to single coil builds.

A pleasant aspect of this RDA is that I did not have any noticeable spit back problems and thankfully no leaking issues either. Do keep in mind that this is not a leak free design so remember to vape off all of your juice if you plan to carry it around with you.


In terms of machining, build flexibility, vapour production and flavour this is a great little RDA however I do think this dripper could be improved. Firstly the sleeve should ideally have adjustable airflow and the lack of a top airflow option for single coil builds is something of a disappointment. The fact that the drip tip gets very hot with some builds is also a slight drawback and realistically I think this RDA needs a couple of additional heat sinks or at the very least a Delrin drip tip.

On the whole the positive points about this RDA outweigh some of its minor flaws so ultimately this is a very worthwhile purchase if it appeals to you. One thing is for sure the Indestructible caters extremely effectively to anyone who enjoys experimenting with elaborate builds and it puts out tons of clouds with very nice flavour!

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