RDA Reviews

Hellfire Predator

Hellfire are a British manufacturer very well known for their previous releases such as the Hellfire Raptor RDA, genesis atomisers such as the Hellfire Mini and mechanical mods machined to absolute perfection. Hellfire’s latest atomiser is the Predator, promising to cater to flavour and cloud chasers.

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The Hellfire Predator has absolutely blown me away, a combination of incredible flavour and huge vapour production makes for a versatile RDA that I currently rate as my all time favourite dripper! If you want to chase clouds, the Hellfire Predator produces massive vapour, for flavour chasers I don’t think there is anything out there that is better than the Hellfire Predator, there certainly isn’t anything better that I have tried.

It’s a versatile RDA that supports endless possibilities of coil builds and is extremely easy to build on, and I think the inclusion of both a bottom feed pin for squonking as well as a 510 pin is a great touch by Hellfire, as many other RDA’s require the additional purchase of a bottom feed pin. The build quality is just absolutely exceptional and performance is out of this world, this has to be the very best RDA I have tried, and it really has raised the bar!

The Hellfire Predator is available at certain times of availability from www.hellfiremods.co.uk

Dan Willis avatar

Dan Willis

Reviewer at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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