RDA Reviews

Achilles II RDA by Titanium Mods Ukraine

The Achilles II from Titanium Mods is a very unique Ukrainian made RDA. It offers excellent flavour and throat hit with a large juice capacity. Made entirely from titanium it is extremely light and is designed to be almost entirely leak free. Check out our review to find out more!

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Achilles II RDA by Titanium Mods Ukraine


The Achilles II is a rebuildable dripping atomizer manufactured by Titanium Mods from Ukraine. Constructed entirely of titanium this RDA is extremely light and highly durable. Intended primarily for single coil set ups the Achilles II has an excellent juice capacity and is pretty much leak free.

Please note that the Achilles II RDA was purchased by myself for my own collection and was not sent free for review.

Achilles II RDA features

  • Titanium construction
  • 22mm diameter
  • Height (without connector and drip tip): 36 mm
  • Visually perceived part: 32 mm
  • Air hole diameter: 2.5 mm
  • Weight: 22g
  • Capacity 2.2-2.6ml. Design allows for filling higher than the well
  • Adjustable 510 pin
  • Practically non-leaking

New features in Achilles II compared to Achilles

  • Decreased overall height of the device
  • Bigger air hole for better air draw
  • The ring now controls air intake
  • No more whistling
  • Device is lighter
  • Improved design of the top cap prevents wicks coming out of the juice well
  • Even more flavour and vapour
  • Greater e-liquid capacity
  • Fully mechanical, without wires and soldering
  • Adjustable airflow
  • Airflow control
  • Adjustable positive pin
  • Full compatibility with battery mods

What’s in the box?

  • 1x Achilles II RDA
  • 1x Titanium drip tip

Like all Titanium Mods atomizers the Achilles II comes wrapped in a foam tube providing excellent protection. There are no other extras but the spares pack only costs €5 and contains more spares than you will ever need so it’s well worth picking up if you order this RDA.

Achilles II styling and build quality

I have wanted an Achilles RDA for a long time but they were always very difficult to get hold of because they are very popular and only have small production runs. When I read that the Achilles II was coming soon I quickly got in touch with Aleksandr at Titanium Mods and made my pre-order. There was a twenty day wait after making my payment but I was happy to be patient knowing that I would receive it before long. I was really excited when I received notification that it had shipped and it only took eight days to arrive which is pretty fast considering the distance involved.

In my opinion all Titanium Mods atomizers have a distinct beauty to them and feature exquisite engravings but the ones on the Achilles II are breath taking! The main engraving is a Classical Greek helmet (Corinthian style I think but I could be wrong) with a horsehair plume surrounded by five stars. Beneath that are two Greek Key patterns with “Achilles” written in between. Named of course after the legendary Greek hero and not the moody, whining, won’t fight today character Brad Pitt portrays in Troy! Seriously though it’s not a bad film and there are some decent battles (watch the director’s cut).

Getting back to the RDA the screw on top cap is removable for easy filling and features a circular Greek Key engraving just like the Liberty RBA and Prometey III RTA. The top cap features an O-ring which helps prevent any leaking should you rest this RDA on its side. The main barrel of the RDA is also screwed down and features an O-ring at the bottom of the threads. The threading is excellent and makes for a very secure fit.

The base of the Achilles II features an adjustable 510 pin so you can be certain that it will sit flush on all your mods. The base has “Made in Ukraine” engraved on it as well as two stars, one on each side of the serial number, in my case I got “025”. The included titanium drip tip is of the wide bore kind and it is quite short very much like the one included with the Liberty RBA. The drip tip fits extremely well and is secured by two O-rings. All my other drip tips fit the Achilles II without any issues.

The Achilles II is very unique and features two posts with great threading and excellent Philips head screws but what is truly innovative is the fact that there is post between them which features the main air hole. Due to this design the airflow is directed extremely close to the bottom of the coil and because it is self-contained any chance of leaking is pretty much eliminated. The leak resistant nature of this RDA is one of the things that greatly appealed to me because even though I love RDA’s I absolute hate leaky drippers that end up drowning my expensive mods in juice. Of course this is due to the fact that I am something of a messy dripper and tend to over drip on occasion so the Achilles II is absolutely ideal for me! Due to the raised air post you do have some leeway when it comes to overfilling. In fact you can actually fill to a level half way up the air post which is much higher than the juice well itself.

Speaking of the juice well it is seriously deep and holds plenty of juice, 2.2ml if you just fill it to the top of the well but if you fill up beyond that you can get about 2.6ml in there without the RDA leaking. Rest assured you can lay this RDA on its side and it won’t leak. It will leak if you turn it upside down (why would you want to?) but the inside of the top cap is recessed so the juice certainly won’t come gushing out. This could be useful if you mod ends upside down in your jacket pocket. We have seen a few RDA’s that offer leak-free solutions such as the Aeolus but that design and others have top airflow and to be honest top airflow for me is not as flavoursome as bottom airflow. Having the air hole raised is such an elegant and effective solution that I am amazed no other manufacturer to date has ever tried this design.

The Achilles II being made from titanium means it is extremely durable and scratch resistant. The entire RDA only weighs 22g which is seriously impressive, for anyone who prefers lighter setups the Achilles II is ideal! Build quality is excellent and you can tell a great deal of time and care has been put into these atomizers.


The airflow ring has a single air hole which is 2.5mm in diameter. Depending on your preference you can close off that air hole for a more restrictive vape. At its most wide open setting you can lung hit this RDA but it is still a little tight. Mouth to lung vapers will love this airflow because you can adjust it to a very restrictive draw if you wish. Personally I just leave the air hole at its most open setting which suits me perfectly! Mind you I do still tend to mouth to lung when vaping this RDA because that feels more like a traditional experience to me.

One thing to keep in mind is that you have to set the airflow to how you want it before screwing down the main barrel of the RDA. If you do need to adjust it you can unscrew slightly and then rotate the airflow ring a little. While it’s not quite as easy to adjust as some RDA’s it isn’t a problem because once you have the airflow how you want it you will never need to adjust it. Considering that to fill the Achilles II you simply unscrew the top cap the only time you will have to concern yourself with the airflow ring is when you take off the main barrel to stick a new build in there.

Building the Achilles II RDA

The first build I put in the Achilles II was a 1.0ohm resistance coil using 28AWG (0.32mm) Kanthal wrapped around a 2.5mm screwdriver. The build was remarkably easy and it is simply a case of resting the screwdriver on top of the main air post and then trapping the wire underneath the heads of the screws and tightening them down. After that it is simply a case of raising the coil a little so it sits a couple of millimetres above the air post. If you want even more throat hit (keep in mind this RDA has plenty of throat hit) then you can raise the coil even higher. The build is so simple that I can’t see anyone having a problem with it, even rebuildable newcomers will find it straightforward and achievable.

Wicking is simply a case of making sure your Muji cotton or Cotton Bacon is hanging down from the coil into both sides of the juice well.

This RDA design lends itself exceedingly well to Ni200 builds. The screws make for a very secure connection and it is actually quite easy to set up. There is sufficient space inside this RDA to nicely space your coils. My current build in the Achilles II is a 0.12ohm resistance coil using 28AWG Ni200 wire.

While the Achilles II is intended for single coil builds I have seen a few examples of dual coils but it certainly won’t be as straightforward to set up. However at least it is possible but in my opinion it is completely unnecessary.

I have really got into using stainless steel mesh of late because the flavour is so much better than using cotton. Thankfully due to its design the Achilles II can be set up with a mesh u-wick (I haven’t done this yet but plan to soon). If anyone is interested in learning more check out Aleksandr’s u-wick tutorial on YouTube for the original Achilles. The Achilles II deck is practically identical so the same method applies. Keep in mind the tutorial isn’t in English but you will certainly get the idea.

How does it vape?

If you have read my Liberty and Prometey III reviews you will know that in terms of throat hit and nicotine delivery Titanium Mods atomizers hit hard. I had a good idea of the kind of vape I would get with the Achilles II but when I took my first hit of Manabush’s Mojave Dessert I was in awe! Flavour was excellent with my Kanthal build and the throat hit was amazing. Keep in mind while the Prometey III and Liberty have a very strong throat hit the Achilles II is even stronger. Of course being a dripper it is extremely flavoursome, very intense but even so I found I could taste all the ingredients in the juice. To date there are only a small amount of atomizers I have vaped where I get the entire range of flavours in a juice but the Achilles II is fantastic with all the background notes being very noticeable and immensely tasty! What’s even better is I have noticed that I get far better flavour from high VG juices in this RDA which occasionally tend to be a lot more washed out for my palate but now I finally have something that allows me to get a better idea of the range of ingredients. That will certainly be very useful for any juice reviews in the future!

The Achilles II does put out a respectable amount of vapour that will suit typical users. Keep in mind this RDA is designed more for flavour and a traditional experience so it will never put out huge amounts of clouds.

Aleksandr does warn on his website that his atomizers have a great deal of throat hit and you may even have to drop your nicotine level. Believe me I took five to six hits off this RDA using my typical 6mg strength juice and I got a serious nicotine rush and my head was swimming. Of course that was in a good way like back in the bad old days when you have your first couple of cigarettes in a morning. You certainly get an awesome fix when vaping this! In actual fact I have kind of got used to it now but it is noticeably stronger than the Prometey III and the Liberty. For anyone who wants to drop their nicotine level the Achilles II comes highly recommended. It’s also useful to me because it means I can finally get a decent vape out of the 3mg juice junglist tends to send me for review! Seriously though this is one atomizer which would allow me to enjoy vaping a lower strength e-juice.

When it comes to using a Ni200 build the Achilles II makes for a truly epic vape! Typically I set temperature to 240°C and power to 25-40W/J (depending on my build) which suits me really well. Using the Achilles II on my Lavabox DNA 200 yielded a fabulous warm and exceptionally flavoursome experience with a nice strong throat hit. So far I have tried the following flavours in this RDA: Manabush Powwow Sauce, Mojave Dessert and Wenebojo. I have also used Monarch e-liquids and DripworX Key Lime Cookie and all of them gave an amazing vape so as you can imagine I am extremely pleased with my purchase. My next plan is to try some El Toro and Black Note tobacco in this RDA.


This is the third item I have bought from Titanium Mods and each time I have been extremely happy with my purchase. I truly love these products and I know I could happily buy anything Aleksandr makes in the future and really enjoy it. I know exactly what I am going to get with these atomizers and they really do offer everything that I want in a vape. If you like strong flavour and superb throat hit and tend to prefer mouth to lung vaping then Titanium Mods products will suit you very well! Of course it is totally cool if this is not your kind of vape because we all have different preferences.

One thing is for sure the Achilles II is an exceptionally well made RDA that holds plenty of e-liquid, delivers great flavour , has outstanding nicotine delivery and features a unique and almost entirely leak-free design. An additional plus point is the fact that the Achilles II seems highly suited to Ni200 builds.

When you consider all of the recent troubles the people of Ukraine have experienced the fact that Titanium Mods offer such a brilliant and reliable service is nothing short of amazing!

The Achilles II is priced at €85 and at the current rate of exchange that works out at about £61.33. The spares pack does cost €5 but it is well worth picking up. The price is very reasonable for a high-end RDA, especially one that is made from titanium and it should last you a lifetime!

The Achilles II RDA can be purchased here from Titanium Mods.

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