RBA Reviews

Aspire Quad Flex Survival Kit

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In terms of innovation, this is a unique and extremely useful bit of kit from Aspire, each individual configuration isn’t just a gimmick, but you have a fully fledged RDTA, RDA, squonking RDA and Nautilus X clearomiser, that all look good and perform very well indeed. The four configurations all look great, function well, and boast appeal to just about every section of the market. The only let down for me was the Nautilus X however the performance of the other three configurations more than made up for this.

The Aspire Quad Flex Survival kit is a budget busting bit of kit, for the price you pay you get four different configurations to play with, and for the price you absolutely do get a lot for your money. Hats off to Aspire for having the guts to try something that really is innovative, and they have managed to pull it off to great effect!  Thanks to the team at Cloud Stix for sending this in to review, you can check it out on their site here http://www.cloudstix.com/aspirequadflex. The kit is currently priced at £34.99 and POTV readers can get a 5% discount using the code POTV03!

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Dan Willis

Reviewer at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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