Pod System Reviews

Innokin Sensis Find

Ok we've got a big one for you! Deedee and Si form an invincible tag team to bring out a joint review of the potentially game changing Innokin Sensis!

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Innokin Sensis AIO Pod Mod 

Supplied by Innokin for full testing and review of the final product.
https://www.innokin.com/sensis - I don’t know the price yet but I’m sure it will fall within £0 - £100 

We at Planet Of The Vapes (POTV) are always trying to mix things up to keep reviews interesting and bit of fun here and there, so we have decided to do a ‘tag team’ review with Si and DeeDee, so you will get two opinions which hopefully will balance nicely.
*there will be some banter along the way and no offence is intended*

Innokin Sensis AIO review

Should have gone to spec-savers

We are also trying to keep our reviews less copy and paste spec and features heavy, instead we will mention them in the relevant sections.
(Let us know below or on the forums if you like/dislike this)

Si’s intro

Innokin are on fire at the moment, they have been working hard on the all new Sensis kit for a while and sent me and DeeDee over a prototype to test while the design was being finalised so we have had plenty of time to get to grips with this innovative kit.

As you will read, there’s plenty of innovation on the inside and some rather nice refinements on the outside. The Sensis also manages to succeed in becoming a strong MTL and DL AIO.

Dee’s intro

100% agree Si, Innokin have brought out some superb stuff. Whilst this is not my regular type of device, it brings with it some great innovation which I have appreciated, and the MTL is decent indeed! Innokin listen and adapt based on their customers. This is a pretty exciting bit of kit!

Innokin Sensis AIO box fresh

Unboxing by Si

Innokin have stuck with their 100% recyclable packaging but this time they have included a fancy-pancy outer sleeve. You can’t blame them for this as they still have to stand out on the shop shelf.

The bundle you get is superb as Innokin have covered all the bases for most users from MTL, RDL and DL along with a 510 adaptor if you want to pop your own tank on.

Unboxing by Dee

As always, it's packaged well and includes two types of drip tips for MTL and DTL. There are coils for both too, along with a USB-C cable, manual, separate coil base and O-rings. They sure have covered everything, all wrapped up in their superb recyclable packaging. Innokin are always very generous when sending out review kit, including extra coils so you can really give it a good run.

Innokin Sensis AIO contents

First Impressions by Dee

As with many kits, they do start to look similar but what I like about the Sensis is the quality and feel of the device. I appreciate the leather styling. The screen is clear and easy to use, and you only have 2/3 buttons. What I like the most is the whole screen is the main power button! It has a nice, easy slide airflow control lever which has been used before but is very effective. For me it is indeed quite manly, but I can overlook that as they are some great colour choices. Exchangeable drip tips are always a plus. The Sensis is on the heavier side especially for me as I am the “POD QUEEN”, but at the same time it’s a quality device. I’m sure Si will be fine being the “Macho Macho Man” he is!

First Impressions by Si

The shape and styling looks similar to a few other manufacturers that jumped on the bandwagon of ‘leather and exoskeleton’, and is possibly a bit masculine (sorry Di, it won’t match your handbag!).

But Innokin have still managed to give it a unique style and kept the colour contrast subtle. It just looks so classy. The screen incorporates the fire button which is a very nice touch, branding is minimal and the ergonomics are just perfect. I was surprised how many ways I could hold it and fire it.

The glass pod is simply beautiful and I’m so glad they left it sticking out proud instead of recessing it. I wasn’t a fan of the included drip tips, Ultem colour MTL is like marmite, you love or hate it, I generally hate it. It wasn’t a problem for me as I shoved on a SS one which looked superb, though the included drip tips are ideal for the actual vape.

I’m pretty sure the generous internal 3000mAh battery is a lightweight LiPo as the mod feels pretty light in general, even with a full tank of juice.

Innokin Sensis AIO close ups

Innokin Sensis AIO trio

The Sensis currently comes five colours at the moment, Si’s favourite is the Brown Leather, Dee’s favourite is the Purple of course!

Innokin Sensis AIO colours

The Glass Pod

Simple Simon Says

I’m so impressed with the looks and feel of the glass podank, shove a 510 thread on it and I would love it on many of my regular mods. The only innovation missing is the lack of leak proofing. MTL hasn’t been an issue, but I have had a bit of juice leaking with the DL option.

Sadly those nasty people at the TPD killjoy department meant that Innokin had to lob a silicone bung inside to limit it to 2ml. So far I’ve not found a way to remove it either as the tank assembly is a tight press fit. I was lucky enough to get a 4.5ml version with the prototype which looks so much better.

The drip tips are 510 so you can add your own, I lobbed a shiny narrow bore on mine which looked a lot better to me.

Dee Says

Well I have to agree with Si, I too love the Glass Pod on this and the fact it's clear and can be used with the adaptor on any mod really. TPD sucks as we know, so I have only really used the 4.5ml version which is a treat as normally I only use 2ml. Whilst Si tried to remove the horrible bung I didn’t bother, I just let him do the hard work. If he couldn’t remove it then I defo could not! I like marmite and I didn’t mind the Ultem MTL drip tip, but I do prefer a vase shape so swapped it pretty quickly myself to one of my favs. The pod is easy to use with the coils, push and vape!

Innokin Sensis AIO pod and drip tips

The construction is simple, three to four pieces (three for DL and four for MTL), and the coils are a press fit ‘plug-n-play’ style. For MTL or RDL, there’s a tiny airflow reducing ring that you screw onto the base of the coil.

Innokin Sensis AIO pod and coils

Innokin Sensis AIO pod break down

Small Detail – Big Difference

Innokin’s designers have really done their homework on the Sensis, one of the main problems with most of the competitors' pod/mods is the ineffective airflow control for MTL. Innokin have solved this with such a simple fix, a silicone seal in the base of the pod connection, and it actually works like a charm.

Innokin Sensis AIO connection

There is an included 510 adaptor so you can your own tank, credit to Innokin for including that.

Innokin Sensis AIO pod or mod

You will need to screw it onto your chosen tank first then just fit it like a pod as it’s magnetic. Size wise, it can take up to 25mm but smaller 22mm tanks look a little lost on it though.

But there’s a problem, the price paid for having the gorgeous glass pod fully exposed means the pod connection base is shallow. As a result, the tank connection is a bit wobbly. It still works but is very likely to come off in your pocket/bag, not an issue for me as the pod will always be my first choice.

The second problem is that the mod only goes up to 40 watts which limits your options for RTAs. Obviously all MTL tanks will be fine in that wattage range, but most sub-ohm tanks I use tend to want over 50 watts.

But there’s a feature I almost missed. In Voltage mode, you can go right up to 7.5 Volts so this is the ideal work-around for that. I’m not sure what cell is inside, pretty sure it’s a LiPo, and I think it must have a voltage boost to get it up that high.

If you aren’t familiar with Variable Voltage, it’s as simple as wattage but less fine-tuned, always start low and work your way up though.

Innokin Sensis AIO coils

The kit includes Innokin’s latest coils. It is compatible with Sceptre coils which is very welcome, but they have developed a coil alongside the Sensis, the S Coil, which is suitable for DL/RDL vaping and also shows off the special FIND feature (more on that later).

Innokin Sensis AIO innovations

Super-duper innovations

Dee’s take on them:
I don’t give a toss, I just want to click and vape, but for the sake of the review I will give you more than that! I have to be honest, Si did most of the leg work on this one and I was late to the party as usual, so I picked up most of it from him. It is initially confusing and I kind of left it as my mind just didn’t want to try and figure it out, but once you have the sequence its pretty simple and you can work out the functions through the menu easily. The FIND-F function does make a difference to the vape and you do “find” your preference whilst having a play.

Si’s take on them:
We had the chance to play around with these settings on the prototype. I have to admit I was pretty confused at first as there were no instructions so you had to play around with them. As details became available, it all started to make more ‘sensis’.

The FIND-F is so tricky to describe as it’s something you notice more during the draw. Dial in the right frequency for your coils ohms and the vape becomes much smoother, generally pods and mods have just one average frequency to try and balance across the wattage range. Some experienced vapers will have noticed a buzzing pulse effect with certain coils, a lot of companies get the frequency wrong, especially with pods as they have to step down the power for high ohm coils resulting in a pulsing annoying sound and a less smooth vape.

Innokin Sensis AIO screen

Once you’re in the F0 menu, you simply dial up or down the frequency for the ohms coil you have. As a rough rule of thumb, the higher the ohms, the lower the frequency required. Guess away as you can’t do any harm. You should notice a pulsing or even hear it when it’s not quite right, get it somewhere in range and your vape should feel very smooth.

Enough on that as I am probably confusing you, all you need to know is which frequency per coil, and Innokin have gathered testers feedback along with their own developers to offer suggested frequencies:

Innokin Sensis AIO Frequency recommendations

I’m not quite sure what the thinking was behind having to put in a code to enable it though, but it is quite pleasing once enabled. You get a new boot screen and the pulse animation on screen looks like a frequency waveform.

As confusing as it may appear, it is actually VERY easy to do and the results are worth it. Prior to receiving this, I had discovered 80Hz was perfect for MTL which proved to me that this feature was no gimmick. At worst, it’s a feature you didn’t know you needed.

The Coil+ and Refresh are pretty natty, though I found you only really need the COIL+ feature as Refresh was manual as and when you remember. Like a tit, I forgot to use it on the final version and my coil didn’t last as long as a result

Innokin Sensis AIO standalone

Operation and navigation

The menu system is common ‘sensis’ once you know what the features actually are:

Innokin Sensis AIO controls

The wattage adjustments auto-lock which is perfect. To adjust the wattage, you simply hold down Up or Down for a second and it will flash ready to adjust. Once you’ve dialled in the wattage and press fire, it locks itself again.

The first menu is pretty much all you need, but there is another SETTINGS sub-menu:

Innokin Sensis AIO settings

So where the F is the fire button?

The screen cover doubles up as a firing bar so you simply press the top part of the screen to fire. This feels superb in multiple hand positions, I preferred grip firing but use whatever suits you. It does feel a little clunky though.


DeeDee’s experience
I like it, the MTL is very good, the functions are easy to use once you understand them, and I do see a value to having them. I have only used the 0.65ohm MTL Sceptre coil. The first coil lost flavour within 48 hours but that could have been that I was running it too high at 13.5W. I changed it to another one and stuck at around 12W and 83hz, and for me that hit the spot. The airflow was slightly open, just under a 1/4 was perfect. I like the long bar down the screen to press and vape, its comfortable and does the job well. Will it be my regular go to device?….No it will not, but this really isn’t my thing. I prefer smaller devices and I do not think this is suited to my personal needs as a vaper which is to fill and go. I don’t do fancy, but to be clear that is no reflection on the device at all.

I did not test the DTL side but my twinny, aka Tim, aka ForestMagpie, did and his thoughts were…. The 0.25ohm coil (rated 25W–35W) takes a bit of time to bed in for the flavour to really come through. I’ve tried a few different liquids through a couple of coils, and this has been the same every time. Wide open, it’s still a restricted draw but a good one with a decent amount of air available and then you can dial it right in. Airflow fully open, the flavour is really nice and there’s a good amount of air getting through producing a good amount of vapour. Where I’ve found it shines though is running it at 30W with the airflow between 2/3 and 1/2 open, that gives it quite a bit of restriction but it provides a delightful balance between warmth and air, and the flavour is spot on, a lovely warm, flavourful vape. I’ve actually also found that using the MTL drip tip increases the flavour a touch. It doesn’t quite hit the same heights as the MTL coil for flavour, but it’s still very good. The F0 does seem to have an impact here, I’ve run this with coil+ and with F0 off and on at varies frequencies, and running it at 25hz does seem to give the flavour a little boost.

What he liked was: packaging, glass pod, design, fire bar, great MTL flavour, very good RDL flavour, good battery life

What he did not like was: TPD bung implementation, some condensation under the pod (particularly with the 0.25ohm coil)

Overall – a cracking new device from Innokin and one that does MTL and RDL very well indeed.

Si’s Experience
Overall I have found the Sensis kit to be an enjoyable experience and there’s a lot to like about it. I also really like how Innokin have pushed through some genuinely useful innovations.

Performance wise, it has been faultless for me. More pleasingly, it does MTL and RDL equally well. I kicked off using the Sceptre 0.65Ω coil at 12.5 watts with the airflow almost fully closed for MTL. To my surprise, it delivered even more flavour than the Sceptre MTL version, and the vape was far smoother, even without the F0 function enabled. As much as I loved (and still do) the Sceptre pod, I found the side by side difference to be incredible. I was so surprised just how damn good this MTL vape was and I couldn’t put it down for days. With the F0 function enabled, I had a play with the frequencies and found myself around 80Hz which improved the smoothness even more, though to be honest the difference wasn’t massive.

DL wise, using the new S Coil at 35 watts is where the F0 function appeared more evident. I went as low as 25Hz for this one, not only did it make the draw silky smooth, it also appeared to boost the flavour from this coil a little. I’m pretty sure it was not in my head as Innokin sent me two kits, one I kept as standard and the other I had the F0 function enabled so I could test side by side.

Draw wise, I wouldn’t class the 0.25Ω S-Coil as a full on DL vape, it was a little too restrictive but doable. That said, the RDL draw was spot on and I actually enjoyed it more that way. Closing the airflow off slightly gave a good flavour. The wattage range (25W-35W) gives a good indication that the Sensis was never going to be a cloud belcher. For me, I’m grateful for this as it meets my vaping needs nicely.

Handling wise, I just love how the Sensis feels in the hand, and using the firing screen never felt awkward trying to fumble around finding the firing button and it worked well in multiple hand positions. I mainly use it for MTL. Though it is larger than most of my MTL setups, it still felt right, and the weight is light enough to be pocket friendly.

Battery life was exceptional, lasting days rather than hours due to its 3000mAh battery. Charging time was relative to the capacity and took over an hour from low.

The not so good bits:
Call me undeserving/ungrateful, but the whole FIND F0 thing wasn’t a game-changer for me. It’s a nice feature but being honest, I could live without it. The default frequencies in the mod before you enable F0 are absolutely fine and handle both coils well, I guess it’s somewhere in the middle, as much as I enjoyed playing around with it. The Sensis at default was more than capable of providing a superb vape without the option.

My next snag was COIL+ vs F0. When you have F0 enabled, you can see the F0 displayed on screen along with your chosen frequency, but when you turn on the COIL+ this all vanishes and the W+ (or V+) replaces it. It appears you can only have one or the other. I have asked Innokin to verify this. For me, I would choose COIL+ over the F0 anyway as coil life is more important to me, and even without the F0, the Sensis gives a superb vape.

You can work around this if you want F0 on all the time by using the Refresh mode which is the manual version of the COIL+, but ‘nobody got time for that’.

But you know what? None of these bothered me in the slightest, I just love this kit. The quality of the vape is just that good.


There’s no getting away from the fact that Innokin have produced one of the best MTL/RDL vapes I have had the pleasure of testing to date. For me, it excels at MTL. For it to beat their own Sceptre is really something, and I really can’t put this thing down despite having plenty of other great MTL devices. It is such a smooth, rich vape, and I love the glass tank and weight.

This kit would still stand out from the crowd without the innovations so for Innokin to push the envelope is admirable. The COIL+ is my pick of the bunch, the FIND F0 is nice but perhaps I need to learn more about it. I usually rely on DJLSB for all the techy stuff like that.

It’s great they include a 510 adaptor but with a vape this good from the glass pod and coils, there’s no need to add a tank onto it.

Si’s Pros and Cons


  • The vape is perfect from flavour, smoothness, and airflow
  • Glass tank
  • Equally as good for MTL and RDL
  • Lightweight for its size
  • 3000mAh internal battery
  • Easy navigation
  • Innovative new features
  • Effective airflow control
  • Included 510 adaptor
  • Variable Voltage up to 7.5 volts
  • Environmentally friendly packaging


  • Drip tips don’t do the glass tank justice
  • TPD tank is pig fugly (not Innokins fault)
  • 510 adaptor isn’t very secure


Dee’s Pros and Cons


  • Glass pod and ease of coil installation
  • Power bar
  • Menu functions
  • Innovative features in the Find tech
  • Airflow works well for MTL
  • Good flavour
  • Drip tip selection
  • Styling
  • 510 Adaptor included
  • Extra sceptre coil base


  • 0.65ohm coil life could be better
  • Bit chunky
  • Ugly and weirdly placed tpd bung
  • 510 slightly loose especially when using bigger tanks (Tim)
  • 0.25ohm takes longer to bed in (Tim)
  • Slightly underpowered (Tim)

Si’s Final thoughts

Though we disagree on a few bits, I think it’s fair to say DeeDee and myself feel Innokin have brought out a cracking bit of kit overall, I had no problems with the 0.65Ω especially using the COIL+. I never expected this kit to be high up in my MTL setups, but the quality of the vape means I reach for this more than expected.

If you suffer from TPD then you really need the cure of the 4.5ml capacity tank so be sure to add that to your basket. I attempted to see if I could remove the bung but there’s no way I could find.

Sub-ohm cloud chuckers won’t like this kit, but MTL/RDL users will enjoy this alot. Don’t let the ‘pod’ class put you off, this is a mod and tank as far as I’m concerned, and the glass tank is gorgeous.

Score: 9/10Innokin have raised the bar

Dee’s Final thoughts

Good Job Innokin! Whilst this is not for me personally, I appreciate the hard work that has gone into creating it. The kit is very diverse and I see this doing very well.

On a side note – a BIG thank you to Si who has done 90% of the work on this – I am not worthy!

DeeDee’s Score: 8.5/10 (of course I had to be different)

Innokin Sensis AIO true art

Si Davies avatar

Si Davies

Reviewer at POTV
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My background is Engineering and Professional Photography. Mostly from POTV users knowledge I learned so much about pretty much all styles of vaping and equipment, Cloud Chasing, Squonking, Mouth To Lung, Direct To Lung, Pods, Mechs, Rebuild-able tanks and atomisers etc, and have experience with many many devices and atomisers, it's become a hobby and enjoy trying out the latest gear. I like to think my reviews are plain speaking and informative without getting too technical, if I have to resort to reading the manual then I don't consider it user friendly!

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