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Mother's Day Sale! 50% OFF SMOK/Innokin/Voopoo Kits

I just read this email and they are 50% off, from the email it takes you straight there but the links in your original post just take you to the product, with nothing showing code wise so people arent seeing the 50% off offers, rather than linking each
Product on your post you would have been better linking the actual offers page then people would see it


Additionally it looks like you can only apply the code to one of the 50% items in checkout basket
I just read this email and they are 50% off, from the email it takes you straight there but the links in your original post just take you to the product, with nothing showing code wise so people arent seeing the 50% off offers, rather than linking each
Product on your post you would have been better linking the actual offers page then people would see it

https://www.newvaping.com/pages/mothers-day-sale?utm_campaign=EDM-0510 (UvnuW7)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Klaviyo&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjb3p5dWtAZ21haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiUUVFeFFkIn0=

Additionally it looks like you can only apply the code to one of the 50% items in checkout basket


Yep thats right, do it shows up like this

Which is good

But in basket its like this

Ok my bad! Thanks for the info mate

No need to apologise the link on the OP post is a bit confusing as is navigating the site a little, i dont like the view order summary drop down box to enter discount code as alot dont wont realise it's there sometimes, but seems to be standard on alot of online retailers checkout page
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