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NEW : TWISTED LEAF - Part Two of the LEAF Tobacco project

Sometimes you can hit it right first mix (rare)

sometimes it takes a few weeks

sometimes it can take years

i still cant nail the nokomis coffee … 5 years ive been working on it

LEAF was longer to develop by a long shot than twisted leaf - coz half the work was already done :) and tobaccos are complicated and hard to get right

Nokomis Coffee? You been hiding that one away.
For five years

cant get it right
You got the Cafe Cappucino right though, it's lovely. Time well spent, clearly. ;)

This honestly is what I hoped you'd do. :)

I wanted a coffee/tobacco where I could taste both, and wasn't too sweet. Bingo. :)
You got the Cafe Cappucino right though, it's lovely. Time well spent, clearly. ;)

This honestly is what I hoped you'd do. :)

I wanted a coffee/tobacco where I could taste both, and wasn't too sweet. Bingo. :)

Kona... is all I need in a coffee vape. :)
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