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[Ended] Win DEJAVU DJV D7 180W Touch Screen Box Mod

I like dual battery mods for my higher wattage tanks and coils.
#Post 4

I prefer duel cell over tri or quad cell mods as I find it a nice balance between form factor and battery life
Id put my Advken Owl tank on this mod. Nice beefy tank to suit an equally looking beefy mod.

wouldnt worry about that , I did the same lol, a shame theres only a couple regulars entering though
Yeah, 50 needed, far from that number. Maybe H/G will draw it anyway.
Id put my Advken Owl tank on this mod. Nice beefy tank to suit an equally looking beefy mod.

Yeah, 50 needed, far from that number. Maybe H/G will draw it anyway.

yeah would think they will mate, hope it goes to a regular though
I like the overall design of this mod but can't help feel I've seen something like it before!
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