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1325 new virus deaths, how did this happen?

There is another factor to take into account that a lot of folks don't realise. Of the folks that have had either their first or both jabs..they are still vulnerable to infection and the symptoms of covid. This is because it takes up to 10 WEEKS for the body to build up sufficient immunity to the disease. So by that token then, those who were first in line to get the jab early December, won't be fully protected until mid to late February. Plus realistically, at least 55% of the population will need to have both jabs, then wait the 8-10 weeks before immunity is built up, to have any real effect on reducing the infection/ hospitalisation rates. Thus all the doses given out so far will have next to no effect on combating the disease just yet. I fear things will get a lot worst first before things improve, but they will eventually. It'll be at least summer time before the UK finally gets a grip on the disease.

The second factor as to why the figures are so shocking right now (apart from this new even more contagious strain), is what has been coined by some as "Covid Fatigue". A lot of folks just aren't taking this as seriously this time around compared to mar last year. Especially the younger generations, that are tired of being told what they can't do....and thus will break the rules on the belief they won't be as badly affected by it, should they become infected...clearly forgetting (or don't care), that it's not just them..it''s everybody else they come in to contact with.

I ventured out of my house for the first time since well before Xmas....as the kitchen cupboards were getting bare, and drove up to our nearest store to restock. On the way....i couldn't help notice just how many cars, not vans and lorries, but cars on the road. It was like a normal days worth of traffic. A far change from the first lock down, where i could sit outside in my garden, next to a busy highway to my local town, in near perfect silence at midday!

People aren't taking this seriously anymore..never mind the all too late & poor decisions made by Boris and his cronies. I would not be surprised if we see the death rate increase to 2K/day before this month is out..& before things begin to improve..sadly.
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Also, some work place's are now supposedly covid safe (whatever that means) so can remain open which they didn't last March so that means more folk's about.

This is true, in first lockdown my missus was furlough, now she does 3 days and home and 2 days in the office ... it's like a split staff situation.
There is another factor to take into account that a lot of folks don't realise. Of the folks that have had either their first or both jabs..they are still vulnerable to infection and the symptoms of covid. This is because it takes up to 10 WEEKS for the body to build up sufficient immunity to the disease. So by that token then, those who were first in line to get the jab early December, won't be fully protected until mid to late February. Plus realistically, at least 55% of the population will need to have both jabs, then wait the 8-10 weeks before immunity is built up, to have any real effect on reducing the infection/ hospitalisation rates. Thus all the doses given out so far will have next to no effect on combating the disease just yet. I fear things will get a lot worst first before things improve, but they will eventually. It'll be at least summer time before the UK finally gets a grip on the disease.

The second factor as to why the figures are so shocking right now (apart from this new even more contagious strain), is what has coined as "Covid Fatigue". A lot of folks aren't taking this as seriously as was back in March last year. Especially the younger generations, that are tired of being told what can't do....and thus will break the rules on the belief they won't be as badly affected by it, should they become infected...clearly forgetting (or don't care), that it's not just them..it''s everybody else they come in to contact with.

I ventured out of house for the first time since well before xmas....as the kitchen cupboards were getting bare, and drove up to our nearest store to restock. On the way....i couldn't help notice just how many cars, not vans and lorries, but cars on the road. It was like a normal days worth of traffic. A far change from the first lock down, where i could sit outside in my garden, next to a busy direst highway to Tenby, in near perfect silence at midday!

People aren't taking this seriously anymore..never mind the all too late & poor discussions made by Boris and his cronies.I would not be surprise if we see the death rate increase to 2K before this month is out..before things begin to improve..sadly.
I've noticed the traffic as you've mentioned. Having worked throughout it all and back in March it was great driving to and from work. Very little traffic. This lockdown though, not so much. There's less than normal but nowhere near the same as the first lockdown.
This is true, in first lockdown my missus was furlough, now she does 3 days and home and 2 days in the office ... it's like a split staff situation.
Manufacturing is the same. The larger places shut the first time. Now some have screens, designated work areas, masks etc etc to allow some staff back.
I've noticed the traffic as you've mentioned. Having worked throughout it all and back in March it was great driving to and from work. Very little traffic. This lockdown though, not so much. There's less than normal but nowhere near the same as the first lockdown.

My sister, who is a health carer for a trust looking after patients with mental disorders, noted that yesterday as she drove to work, just how busy the roads were at 7am!
My point is increbily simple mate. The idea that this is only the problem of the very old and very sick is BS. That's literally it.
But it's the vast majority of the data.

If you took the numbers out of the list of only 85 and over then the covid death number would be significantly lower to the tune of potentially 55-60000 and remove anyone in these age groups being admitted again the hospital cases would significantly drop.

It creates an entirely different scenario that doesn't have us in a third lockdown.

And it's there in the data every single week.
My point is increbily simple mate. The idea that this is only the problem of the very old and very sick is BS. That's literally it.
Possibly not. We're talking very ,very small numbers of deaths, under 400 healthy <60 years of age have died since the begining.

Possibly not. We're talking very ,very small numbers of deaths, under 400 healthy <60 years of age have died since the begining.

As I tried, and clearly failed, to clarify in my previous back and forth with oldhippydude; death isn't the one and only problem people who contract coronavirus can experience and you don't have to die to fill up a hospital bed. And the knock on effects to non-covid patients in every sphere is immense regardless of the age and health status of those who die.
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The average age of people in ICU is 60, deaths are completely different

going into ICU or HDU is not a quick jab and then off you pop home

why are people so concerned with the death figure.... I attended a chap who cut his leg got septicemia then gangrene finally he had his leg amputated the consultant said he was lucky the guy looked at his missing leg and said "I don't feel lucky"

the increase in people getting covid younger is increasing this article from the lancet is last year before the new variant

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