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MTL Wotofo Cog MTL RDA

You've got the new Aries too with adjustable airflow under the coil. Maybe that will be worth a punt.
Ah yes I have the first one tried it again a while ago it was too airy, I will look at some reviews before I buy anything else I don't really need!!
It's not right bud. I've tried two now and both let in way more air than the specs. It seems there's air ingress above the cog but before the under coil airflow hole.
Still undecided myself. Certainly not as good as the kayfun lite, hastur mini and glaz for me.

It's a good tank, but doesn't really stand out from the crowd with the airflow issue.
Ah yes I have the first one tried it again a while ago it was too airy, I will look at some reviews before I buy anything else I don't really need!!

I really like the first Ares in terms of looks - really simple, nice lines, and looked like a workhorse. It was also easy to build on and wick. Even the filling mechanism was good.

But I could not get on with the fucker air flow wise. The smallest hole whistled and any more open it felt like sucking the end of a wind tunnel.

Hope the new one is better in that regard.
I just rummaged and found my original Ares and decided to fiddle with it to see if I could make the draw tighter, I got a 2ml coiling rod and wrapped a long coil with 26g kanthal and dropped it into the air intake hole having removed the thing with all the little holes in then put that back on and BINGO!! the draw is so much better much more concentrated if that makes sence, I am well pleased with myself!


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This Cog has had some really mixed reviews, I was looking forward to cog and Ares 2.

I think I will pass on this one for now based on some of the feedback and see what the rest of the year brings ☺️
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