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Sub Ohm Dovopo`s Mini Blotto RTA

Only been a member on here a few months and it's corrupting me lol.

Nic is not a problem.
Already down really low.
Get 100ml and add half a 10ml 18mg.

From what I see a lot of on here rebuild coils is the way to go.
Certainly worth ago just on the money front alone.
It would be wrong of me to brand drop but my advice would be seen as though it would be your first.
Buy a decent brand but cheap.
Top air flow are very forgiving in wicking terms as the don’t really leak .
Bottom air flow give better flavour imo but can be tricky to wick and stand more chance of leaking the first few times
Just bought the Mini and Big Fecker and so far using the Latter, i found it quite hard to build dual coil as the deck to me lacks space. I think once built the Flavour is superb.
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