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CAP French Vanilla concentrate tester %?


Nov 15, 2014
Drat and blast, I've let my last 10ml of it exposed to daylight back when it was warmer for maybe a week. It's got a bit of a waft of zombie about it like when cheap corner shop juice turns acrid and nasty. Perhaps it's not all the way along that path yet though. Anyways I've just had tear ups with myself (because I need it tonight) over whether to chance it in a 200ml batch and obviously came up with the conclusion...screw that. I've just fished it back out of the bin though, just in case.......

What best percentage will you recommend me to knock up a test 5ml to see if its still alive? Or maybe it's got a touch of the zombie virus now and although might taste good in a 5ml tester tonight, might contaminate a larger batch.

I keep putting off sorting it out maybe I should just bin it and buy fresh? That'll take days to arrive though.

What you reckon?

I know with the cap vanilla custard after mixed I like to expose to sunlight for a few hours, turns a nice deep red and tastes better. This batch is not quite as dark as I like, its been pretty cloudy. I usually mix about 7-10% for capella.


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