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San Francisco Flavored Tobacco Regulation inc e liquid


Apr 4, 2015
San Francisco city supervisors unanimously approved a measure that bans the sale of flavored nicotine-laced liquid used in electronic cigarettes and flavored tobacco products, saying nicotine masked in cotton candy, banana cream, mint and other flavors entices kids into a lifetime of addiction.

Other cities have passed laws reducing access to flavored vaping liquids and flavored tobacco but San Francisco is the first in the country to approve a sales ban.

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That's so stupid, didn't they do something similar in a different state but then lofted the ban, this is beyond a joke!!!
And think thats that raving nutter Diane Abbot in the background.... That would explain a lot
'Protect our youth!' Yeh, get them on the cigs instead ... morons.
rushed that through didnt they, San Fran bans flavours

***New Release***

California’s war on vaping escalated to new heights when the City and County of San Francisco rammed through new regulations banning all flavors, except tobacco, in e-liquids containing nicotine. The San Francisco flavor ban is part of a coordinated attack, targeting multiple jurisdictions at the city and country levels—executed by anti-vaping activists and progressive legislators.

It was a spring ‘swarm’ and vapers are sure to feel the sting.

In this episode of RegWatch we’ll take you inside the June 14th San Francisco Board of Supervisors public hearing where the total disregard for vaping as a tool for harm reduction could be tasted. Also, hear pro-vaping activists from CASAA.org explain the impact and what could be coming next—only on RegWatch by RegulatorWatch.com.

Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released July 1, 2017

Celebrate the 100th episode of RegWatch!"

Probably the only time I'm shocked by America. The one city that in my experiences has always lived and let live is sf. Mad world. Would be interested to look at the cities biggest industries and tax payers. Seems very small minded.
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