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Your views on e-cigarette use questionnaire

hi guys it would be really helpful if you would be able to quickly finish this survey for my work at college about the use of e-cigarettes:)https://goo.gl/forms/c2dfoPm8TYSMk14f1

No can do.....

Capture vape.JPG
Done, didn't bother with the bits that needed typing, cba'd.
I think “healthy” is the wrong word to use in this context. Neither vaping or smoking are “healthy”.
Done, but misread the "x is much healthier than y" question so my answer is the opposite of what I really think! [emoji32]

I also didn't answer the written questions but having seen the results – where the only two respondents who wrote anything both have very strange ideas about vaping – it might be an idea for anyone else filling out the questionnaire to write a bit of sense! [emoji4]
done but you dont know a lot about vaping do you !!!

How many times a day do you vape?

do more than that in 1 hour .........
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