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Zeus x mesh problems

Yes, yes they are. If I had started with the Zeus X right away and had gotten the same dry hits I did, I would've probably preferred to go back to smoking. That burned disgusting thing I inhaled couldn't be better than the half a pack I was smoking before.

Let's see how this build holds up!

Well, that's kind of what I did. I started off by cutting at an angle, I raked the bottom of the cotton where it was longer and then, when it was all fluffed, I trimmed it and it was almost like a straight cut. I just found that when I comb the cotton after it's been cut to its proper length, I tend to move it around a lot and ruin the placement beneath the mesh. Not like this. So, if I'm understanding you correctly, we went for the same result, just in slightly different ways. Hey, as long as it works, right?

PS : You guys have to try OFRF NexMesh strips on the Zeus. The result is awesome, even without mutilating your atty.
Just in case the cotton sinks as it beds in you really need to get as much as you possibly can under the strip of mesh.
It's harder to get too much in there than not enough.
Just in case the cotton sinks as it beds in you really need to get as much as you possibly can under the strip of mesh.
It's harder to get too much in there than not enough.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing. With my current wick, I was initially fine. And I still am, mostly. Vaping at 55W is ok. But if I go 60 or 65W (because I want a warmer hit or more vapor, mostly just 'cause) and do a slightly longer pull, I get an off flavor, slightly burnt. Then I checked by firing the thing while blowing in the chimney, and I do have some glowing red hotspots in the edges. I'm tempted to just cram some more cotton in there after the fact, but meh, I'll just make sure to improve my next wick. At lower wattages it's fine.

If the flavor wasn't so great, I would've been so fed up with this thing that I would've thrown it in the garbage.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing. With my current wick, I was initially fine. And I still am, mostly. Vaping at 55W is ok. But if I go 60 or 65W (because I want a warmer hit or more vapor, mostly just 'cause) and do a slightly longer pull, I get an off flavor, slightly burnt. Then I checked by firing the thing while blowing in the chimney, and I do have some glowing red hotspots in the edges. I'm tempted to just cram some more cotton in there after the fact, but meh, I'll just make sure to improve my next wick. At lower wattages it's fine.

If the flavor wasn't so great, I would've been so fed up with this thing that I would've thrown it in the garbage.
The thickness of one of these strips is perfect and I'd advise using these over anything else for the Zeus X mesh.

Yes it doesnt need any cotton in the juice well.
I've said it before juice wells are for juice not cotton.
Cotton just needs to lightly cover the top of the juice well of the X Mesh.

Waitttt what????

I have been cramming the end of the wick into that well on either side

I'm just about to rebuild it, fingers crossed this will work!
Waitttt what????

I have been cramming the end of the wick into that well on either side

I'm just about to rebuild it, fingers crossed this will work!
The x mesh deck is quite an easy build compared to other ones, the chimney doesn't restrict or push against the cotton as much, when compared to other decks. Remember that cotton expands when soaked, cut the tails shorter push the cotton from the side to meet the wick ports and the cotton will fall in slightly, that should be enough, no need to cram it in there at all, an absolute no no for all mesh decks, in my experience. I push fit the chimney to the deck, before screwing the deck onto the rest of the tank, just find it easier.
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