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New User. Buying Larger Tank from France

As others have said, Le Petit are absolutely fine. No issues with importing larger tanks.
maybe vg is affecting you then. are you drinking plenty of water as vape does dehydrate you.
maybe vg is affecting you then. are you drinking plenty of water as vape does dehydrate you.
Not thought of that. I've got a bad habit of drinking energy drinks and trying to get onto water now. That might be it as at that time I was not drinking much if not any water at all.
worth a try. keep us posted if it helps as always good advice for new members if it works.
Some people do cough from vaping when they start out, it's one of those things you have to ride out whilst your throat and cilia heals up (the hairs in your throat, usually diminished from smoking). If you go back to smoking, you'll just keep resetting the whole process and never move past the adjustment period (it can/might leave you feeling a little sick at times as the body adjusts to the changes, but it will pass).
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