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Dry burn the coils or not?

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I think there may be as much or more harm in vaping caramelised juice that is baked onto coils. Burning that off removes that potential hazard and usually improves the flavour. So in the absence of recoiling at every wick change, it's possibly a better option than rewicking without dry burning.
I rebuild regularly but do dry burn often also. I find it's just as effective to do so at low wattages. Usually in the 10-18 watt range. Get some smoking, faintest of glows, once or thrice and then into the ultrasonic cleaner or just a quick rinse/brush cleans 'em up pretty good.

Doesn’t it remove a “potential” hazard while creating an actual hazard, though?
Can anyone explain to me how this would remove residue from SSFC or multi core fused claptons? You may (and you may not) remove residue from the outside wire but what about the up to 12 internal wires including round a ribbon claptons ultimately hidden inside behind 2 and sometimes even 3 staged outer wrapping wires?

This is a fair point, albeit irrelevant to me as I only use single strands of thin wire.
Seems like I need to know basics stuff first. So when to change a coil and a wick? I know it depends but give me some idea as I am new to self build setups.
Here is a handy guide for when to rewick.
Yes, of course. I thought that was clear. I did say "in the absence of recoiling at each wick change."

Sorry, I seem to sometimes misread your threads, numpty. Aye I suppose it’s a balance of what you perceive as being better/safer for you. It’s not an issue for me really with wee plus ohm coils at 10 watts, no problem to rebuild them once a week or so. Definitely more of a problem for fancy coil users and those at high power, I reckon.
Sorry, I seem to sometimes misread your threads, numpty. Aye I suppose it’s a balance of what you perceive as being better/safer for you.
No problem, and yes. I go for a bit of a compromise while trying to be sensible about it.
My ADV is a 25% flavouring tobacco mix, and the cotton outlasts the coils.

I open it up after a week or so and there's a half inch tower of crap on the coil. I don't even think about dry burning it, straight in the bin, but the cotton is in perfect condition.
I am currently experimenting with aliens, juggernauts and flaptons. I do not reuse the coils I throw them away after a week use when I wick the tank. But I still do dry burn at first built as it is quite difficult to make those coils evenly. I can see that it could be easy if you space simple coils evenly and use it without dry burn but what about more complex coils? how can you make them to heat evenly without dry burning?
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