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4 Coils in >2000 Puffs?

A good tank with pre-built coils is just as good as a RTA imo.
I can't tell any difference between a RTA or a dripper and a Crown 3 or 1.
The Freemax Fireluke Mesh 0.12 316ss coil is giving me superb flavour right now as well, and you can use it in a few different tanks.
I've kept to the recommended wattage type for each coil which is a max of 60W.
ALL manufacturers of stock coils - there are NO exceptions - exaggerate the capabilities of their kit. The worst culprit by far is SMOK.
There's actually not a lot wrong with SMOK as stock coils go... provided you don't go much above half the claimed maximum wattage. If it says, for example, "50-180W, Best 90-150W", that's quite frankly a deliberate lie and 90W is probably as high as you need to go to get a decent vape and an acceptable coil life.

With experience you'll find that every type of coil has an optimum juice viscosity (i.e. VG content) which you'll just have to find by trial and error, but I promise you there is no stock coil on the market that will last more than five minutes at its stated maximum power no matter what juice you burn on it.
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