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How To Simple DIY Example and Price Breakdown

I don’t ever sell liquid and rarely even give it away. I also like the variation of blends turning out slightly different every time I make them. I suppose it’s personal preference, maybe this kind of rough mixing works only for the kind of flavours that appeal to me.

Ah...the old slap dash, mad man in a white coat approach, conjures up a fitting image:D
Ah...the old slap dash, mad man in a white coat approach, conjures up a fitting image:D

Like this you mean.................

@garth or anyone else can i ask.
If measuring down to 0.01% of a gram with scales can you tell me how or what are you dispensing with?
@garth or anyone else can i ask.
If measuring down to 0.01% of a gram with scales can you tell me how or what are you dispensing with?

Straight from the bottle with the dropper that comes on them. Each drop is generally 0.02 to 0.04 in weight depending on the dropper. If i need to add an extra 0.01 of something that will make a difference (stronger flavours) I'll squeeze out half a drop and press it onto the side of the bottle I'm mixing into.
As above. Average drop is between 0.02 and 0.04 so its not hard to hit your target weight exactly. I confess I may not be quite as anal as I first suggested and if I am going for 4.32mg of nic and I go over to 4.33, I don't scrap the lot and start again - you got me, I own up, Im a fraud, I will hang up my white coat.
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