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More anti Vaping madness here in Oz

Smoking is way easier to start than vaping.cigarettes and a box of matches,simplicity itself.
I think big tobacco has the ear of your government son.
Theres gonna be a lot of vape shops here in Victoria with them all leaving their own states to be able to keep selling on line.
The only thing with the vapers you see in the stories that bugs me is that they know there is so much anti vaping sentiment amongst the gov and news etc and yet in the segment they know they are on and is going to be aired they take the biggest drag they can and blow out the biggest humongous vape cloud they possibly can. I cant help but think that these anti vapers see a cig smoker go puff then the vaper go nuclear vape cloud 20 times bigger then think "hmmm, little cig puff, vs monster atomic vape cloud, mmm that can't be good for you". :S
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