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Mar 8, 2016
Anyone experiencing any problems with POTV tonight? New posts are taking an age to load and everything feels just a bit sluggish.
iii'''vvvveee nnnooottt nnnoootttiiiccceeeddd aaannnyyyttthhhiiinnnggg uuunnntttooowwwaaarrrddd !!!
iii'''vvvveee nnnooottt nnnoootttiiiccceeeddd aaannnyyyttthhhiiinnnggg uuunnntttooowwwaaarrrddd !!!
People were asking if the forum was slow......

Not if you was slow.....we know this already....your a scouser.....

And no.....no one's interested in a stereo for a 1989 ford Sierra
Slower than a slow thing.

Which reminds me....

When I was at school, we had a snail racing league at dinner times. Y'know, fastest over 1 metre kinda thing. Anyway, my snail kept getting beaten and so I came up with an idea...

Less weight=more speed!

So I took my snail's shell off.

But it didn't work, just made it more sluggish.*

Someone trying to hack the adserver. Should be a bit better now.
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