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Forum speed


Staff member
Aug 14, 2012
No, not that stuff that made you rabbit at 100 miles an hour and chew off half your cheeks, I am talking about page load speed on the site. Been a bit shit the last week or so. Fingers crossed should be a bit swifter now. If you have noticed a speed improvement please go and vote for POTV in the ecig click awards http://www.ecigclick.co.uk/ecigclick-vape-awards-2016/

OK, that's the link to the joke poll, do you have a link to the real one?

I mean, the Nautilus ahead of the K5 for best MTL, and the Limitless ahead of the Aromamizer?
fb Groups will win out these days because many have deserted forums in favour of these. But then...... POTV has both this place AND its fb Group and we are doing OK. I fell about at some of the items that are winning, hilarious really, but each to their own of course.

Forum is super fast again @junglist so thanks for burning the Midnight Oil on our behalf, it is appreciated.:2thumbsup:
Voted! But some faceache page is winning [emoji58]

I wasn't going to mention that! I had an email from them a day or so ago as well, sod knows how they got my email address as I am not a member of the group and I don't think I have bought from the vendor that runs the group either. So, the new school FB kiddies vs the old guard forum dwellers. Game on!
Nautilus? Surely that was out in 2014...

Yes, but the MTL clearo market has been a bit neglected so it reigns supreme, and most of its fans will never have tried an RBA so I can understand that.

The Limitless however..........

There are only 2 options with this:

A. You've never tried one so you can't vote for it.

B. You've tried one and it's in the bin, so why would you vote for it?
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