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Genuine Vaping Side Effects

very hard to answer as like most I started vaping the day I gave up smoking ..... but considering some of the effects I did have when I started vaping (say the first month) have now completely gone I'm pretty convinced they were the side-effects of stopping smoking rather than vaping.
Sore throat for the last week. Hoping it is a) temporary and caused by user error b) not an allergic reaction to PG (because I doubt any of the gear I have so recently sprung for would cope with max VG) which would exacerbate c) a chronic dose of shinyitis.

I've had a really sore throat for the last 4 days (really hurts when I cough) so I think there's some 'sore throat' germs around as I know mine has nothing to do with vaping.
If I vape 50/50 or 60/40 VG/PG all evening it gives me a slight sore throat & a drier mouth than higher VG liquids do. Dust is no longer just dust, everywhere...
The only bad experience I've had, was my own daft fault really, so I can't blame vaping. I put what it turns out was 12mg which I'd bought back in my MTL ego days, through my TFV4. Ended up the room was spinning, hanging my head over the toilet. I was a complete write off the rest of that day. I actually hadn't realised it was 12mg, I just picked it off my shelf, not thinking I'd have any of the higher stuff left by then anyway, expecting it to be my usual 3mg. Nope. Lesson learned, always check the bottles.
Only noted side effects for me from vaping are insomnia, if I have a good session on my tooter before bed & O have more boggies in my nose lol..
@giro The kind of nicotine in juice stays in your system for 1-2 hours and can cause sleep disruption, you get the same thing with nicotine patches as well. The solution is simply not to vape before bed time :)
I might get some zero juice.. I love my pre bed vape lol..

I always had my last fag just before bed.. That never seemed to cause any sleep disturbance. .

I've got a few different sedating remidies up my sleeve.. Its just hard getting going if I'm on a early start the next day..

I've always found sleeping difficult at times.. Think with years of night shifts and now doing a variety shifts, it just messes me up..
Good morning Ladies and Gents,

Raising a question like the this on a vaping forum can likely give biased answers, the majority of members (including myself) are passionate about the many major pros for, and love of vaping over the many negative side effects of smoking.

Congratulations to all who have managed to kick the intensively addictive and disgusting habit of smoking cigarettes.

Aside from the love of vaping and all the paraphernalia that goes with it, including the excitement of building your own coils, e juice, general love for our new habit etc etc

Who has experienced any genuine negative side affects of vaping?

My own personnel experience has been the occasional swollen glands when chain vaping. High PG content has also left a noticeable film on my throat giving a dry sticky feel the next day... Again only affected when heavy chain vaping...

Please be honest with your answers
High VG Juice gives me a heavy chest and catarrh ... and coats my mouth

Dont seem to have the same issue with higher PG juices (50 - 65ish)

Pocket is somewhat lighter and I have less storage space than I used too.
For me in all honesty I tend to feel a bit blocked up, seems to fade away after a few days of not vaping (I cant do it at my work so I'm out of luck)
Tinnitus gets much worse when vaping. May be peculiar to me but it does. On the plus side I always smell of manabush which I'm told is a vast improvement.
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