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Vaping article in the Guardian

And I can only respect this. I just don't see it as a (almost) harmless substance.
Nicotine in and of itself is supposed to be about as harmless as coffee isn’t it ?

I agree it’s not harmless though - but neither is alcohol - or coffee for that matter
I heard a youtube reviewer say that once and I was furious.
Nicotine restricts your vains and causes damage to the cell structure. It's certainly not a safe substance but it's 'OK' when compared to other components in cigarette smoke. But I do agree on the burning: that's a chemical reaction which creates new components or radicals as opposed to vaping which is a physical process (unless you take it above certain temperatures that cause decomposition of flavourings or burning of your cotton).

So don't just think that we're safe now that we're vaping. It might be 95% less harmful than cigarettes but there's still that 5%.

If you aren’t a child or young person or someone with preexisting heart problems nicotine actually is relatively harmless. As others have said, it’s about as harmful as coffee.
The addiction to cigarettes comes from the addition of other chemicals. There was a bbc documentary quite a while ago discussing nicotine addiction in vaping and they basically said that nicotine on its own is far less addictive.
I would go as far to say that nicotine helps prolong the onset of Altzimers by stimulating the frontal lobe of the brain.
As others have said, nicotine is no more addictive than caffeine.
And I can only respect this. I just don't see it as a (almost) harmless substance.
I quit vaping overnight, it was nothing like quitting smoking. Not even slightly.

The scientific literature supports the notion that nicotine is a relatively benign substance outside of cigarettes - and any argument that posits it isn’t is desperately, woefully short of evidence. I’m not digging it all out now, I have beer to drink and people to kill while gaming online, it’s all there for you to find.
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