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Children and Families Bill (ie the smoking ban in cars with children)

The reason why the public can buy high explosives and have huge bonfires, in this "terroist-threatened country", is to remind the populous of the ramifications, should they decide to attack parliament.
Scary legislation?

It's bloody stupid legislation because it's nigh-on unenforceable.

Shouldn't they be busy interviewing illegal immigrants for household chores or blaming someone for the rain or something?

The smoking ban in cars with children is unenforceable, but this provides all sorts of powers to the Secretary of State for Health in relation to all tobacco products, such as

(7) Regulations under subsection (6) may in particular impose prohibitions, requirements or limitations relating to—

(a) the markings on the retail packaging of tobacco products (including the use of branding, trademarks or logos);

(b) the appearance of such packaging;

(c) the materials used for such packaging;

(d) the texture of such packaging;

(e) the size of such packaging;

(f) the shape of such packaging;

(g) the means by which such packaging is opened;

(h) any other features of the retail packaging of tobacco products which could be used to distinguish between different brands of tobacco product;

(i) the number of individual tobacco products contained in an individual packet;

(j) the quantity of a tobacco product contained in an individual packet.

(8) The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision imposing prohibitions, requirements or limitations relating to—

(a) the markings on tobacco products (including the use of branding, trademarks or logos);

(b) the appearance of such products;

(c) the size of such products;

(d) the shape of such products;

(e) the flavour of such products;

(f) any other features of tobacco products which could be used to distinguish between different brands of tobacco product.

and e-cigs, and e-liquid will almost certainly come under this, thanks to Brussels
Is it about time we challenge the goverment about breaking our human rights? It would help if we could find a lawyer to do it for free for us... but if terrorsist can claim they have a human right to freedom, I am sure we can stop the government to interfere with our personal lifes.

This really is turning into a police state
Just another scheme to drain smokers of money and increase revenue in the traffic police IMO, as if 3 points and a £100 pound fine for undertaking some 55mph driving prick in the overtaking lane wasn't enough.

I've got to the point now where I feel laws and legislation's are being made that have no real correlation to public health and or benefit and are lobbied under that guise to bring in more money to those responsible of said laws to pack out their nests, that, I've been looking at options for emigration to anywhere that isn't the UK/EU or US with in the next couple of years.
I'm only 23, I don't want to pay into a system that makes me feel like I'm constantly being shafted to pay more money into the system meanwhile a quarter of the country sit on their arses and expect to be handed a quality of life, the way things have gone in the past ten years IMO, the country is COMPLETELY different to what it was like when I was growing up and I seriously, do not want to settle down and raise kids here, as I feel they would be left with a taste in their mouth just as bitter as mine and grow resentful of the very country they grew up in.

The captain stays with a sinking ship, it's passengers don't.
I for one agree with the idea of a ban for smoking when infants are in the car. Any caring parent would naturally not smoke cigarets in the car with kids in there. BUT.
it's obvious that this is only the start, they must think were all stupid and can't see through there schema, politicians don't give two fu### about anyone else but them selves, and authorities simply look for more and more ways to make money out of easy targets. A few years down the line any smoking or vaping will be banned and involve an on the spot fine, as will eating or drinking while driving. It's probably law now not to eat or drink while driving but few people get pulled for it, this will change very soon with the public now being made aware of this none smoking idea coming.
The country has gone insane with all it's dos and donts and health and safety crap. Common sense is all it takes.
Guess as the saying goes " common sense ain't common"
this is stupidity just i dont have the words what kms said is right ban tobacco and allow vaping itd make everyones lives much easier
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