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The Xmas present for the vaper who has everything

Were they any good or was it just to complete the bejazzled look?

Back in the day I thought they were great.

The Trident would be well shit compared to today's drippers...and the Prometheus was at best OK because the deck made mounting the coils difficult because of a lip. Flavour was good from it though...no Vicious Ant Kraken though. I can't remember the name of my favourite genny now - had a milled section to block off half the chamber and the base was angled to get the last bit of juice to the mesh wick. That was my favourite as well!
My parents love a bit of Sci-fi, so that's them sorted...

Did you have an atomiser in a atomiser stand. I think it was you but can't find the post I thought is was fab ?
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